Vegan Summertime Tacos with Hilary’s Eat Well Burger & Ranch Chia Crema Recipe + GIVEAWAY!

CornTacoAssemblyTacos! Tacos! Tacos! There’s no better time for tacos than NOW, am I right!?! I’ve noticed in the past couple years tacos have become ALL the rage. There’s now a whole day of the week dedicated to eating tacos (Taco Tuesday of course) with restaurants, bars and even coffee shops serving up all sorts of varieties of this Mexican favorite. I recently noticed the hashtag #tacocleanse gaining popularity amongst my friends on social media. I even discovered a vegan book by the same name. I must admit that I have always been a big burrito lover, but tacos are growing on me. There are so many fun vegan renditions to sample with tacos popping up just about everywhere.

I thought it would be an interesting twist to try using Hilary’s Eat Well Burgers (Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean flavor) and Ranch Chia dressing in a new vegan taco recipe. Yup, I decided to use the burger as the taco “meat” and after taste testing on a couple occasions, I can assure you that this recipe is delish! Check out all the yummy details below and get your summertime taco on!

Before getting started, I just wanted to point out my love of Hilary’s products. If you’ve never had the pleasure of trying them (you can now by entering my giveaway below) or don’t know much about them, let me give you the quick lowdown. Hilary’s Eat Well products are special, and by special, I mean one-of-a-kind. All products are free of the top allergens including: corn, gluten, soy, nuts, dairy, yeast and eggs, but filled with healthy things like quinoa and beans as well as good-for-you fats. Not to mention, this is a company that has amazing values. All products are organic, kosher, non-GMO certified as well as vegan certified. Quite honestly, there’s nothing not to love about this Kansas-grown company. Just to show you all how much I LOVE Hilary’s products take a peak into the short video collage below that includes yours truly.

Below I share two versions of the same recipe; one without common allergens and one that uses ingredients like corn and soy. Feel free to use the version that best suits your dietary needs.

Vegan Tacos 

Makes 6 small tacos


Use your favorite tortillas, or alternatively, chard leaves work great.
  • 1 package of vegan taco seasoning (I used Beanitos brand)
  • 1 package Hilary’s Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean burger  (contains 2 patties)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 container of Hilary’s Eat Well Ranch Chia Dressing
  • 1 package of small corn tortillas (or substitute chard leaves)
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 small carrot, shredded
  • handful of fresh cilantro leaves, diced
  • 1 bunch green onions, separate stalks from bulb (use only for chard leaf wrapped tacos)
  • 1/2 head of small green cabbage, shredded (or package of shredded cabbage)
  • 1 package of shredded vegan cheese (I used Follow Your Heart cheddar)
  • a couple of lime wedges
  • 1 avocado, peeled and sliced
  • kernels from one fresh raw corn cob (omit if you have a corn allergy)
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 package of vegan sour cream (I used the Toffutti brand – omit if soy allergy)
  • To make Ranch Chia crema, in small ziplock bag, mix 1/4 cup Hilary’s Ranch Chia dressing and 1/4 cup vegan sour cream.  Seal and refrigerate.
  • Place olive oil in non-stick pan on stovetop (low heat)
  • Place thawed burger patties in pan
  • Break up patties with spatula
  • Sprinkle 2 Tbsp taco seasoning over pan ingredients
  • Add 1/2 cup water to pan & mix (note consistency will soften as water absorbs into patties)
  • Cook over medium-low heat for 2 mins, breaking up clumps as necessary. Turn up heat to medium-high and continue to cook and break up clumps for another 2 to 3 minutes to create crumbly/crunchy consistency.  Turn off heat and set aside.
  • In a separate pan heat corn tortillas
  • Place hot tortilla on plate and add Hilary’s burger mix (taco “meat”)
  • Add desired amount of shredded vegan cheese
  • Add avocado slices
  • Top with diced tomato, shredded cabbage, carrots, raw corn & cilantro leaves
  • Squeeze lime wedges as desired over assembled tacos
  • Top with Hilary’s Ranch Chia dressing/sour cream mixture by cutting very small corner off ziplock bag and squeezing over the top
  • Serve immediately and ENJOY!
Slice, dice, chop and shred veggie toppings first
Crumble Hilary’s Eat Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean Burger in pan with olive oil
Add taco seasoning
Add water to hydrate
Burger “meat” should cook down and dehydrate
Example of what taco (burger) meat should resemble when done
Example of taco assembly using corn tortilla
Final corn tortilla taco, ready to eat!
Example of assembly of allergen-free taco using a chard leaf
Roll up chard leaf and tie with one green onion to hold in place

Other EXCITING news…it’s GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!

I have teamed up with Hilary’s Eat Well to give away one FREE package of (Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean burgers) and one Ranch Chia dressing so you can make your very own version of this tasty recipe at home. To enter, please:

1. Ensure that you are signed up to receive my weekly blog posts notifications via email (click here to sign up)

2. Leave a comment below sharing what unique twist you might add or change to my taco recipe (don’t be shy, get creative!)

3. That’s it, good luck!

GIVEAWAY details:

Entries will be accepted through 12:00pm PST on Monday, July 20th. One random (U.S.) winner will be chosen and contacted via email (this is why it’s essential you are signed up to receive my blog posts).

Additionally, Hilary’s Eat Well is in the midst of their own huge Backyard BBQ GIVEAWAY now through July 31, 2015 and you can enter daily. Check out all the yummy details here.


Be sure to stay in touch with all of Hilary’s Eat Well happenings through their social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and of course their website.


24 thoughts on “Vegan Summertime Tacos with Hilary’s Eat Well Burger & Ranch Chia Crema Recipe + GIVEAWAY!

  1. Recipe looks delicious! I like Hilary’s ranch dressing as is, so would omit the sour cream (which I don’t like anyway). Might use a homemade cashew cheese sauce instead of Follow Your Heart, every now and then. And, since I’m a fan of all things curry, would sub a curry seasoning for the taco seasoning, just because. Hilary’s Green Chili & Cumin Adzuki Bean Burgers almost beg for Indian spices?

    1. Those are some awesome and tasty additions! Thanks for sharing and good luck with the giveaway. Yeehaw!

  2. All that’s missing from this yummy taco is a nice big spoonful of fresh salsa!!! Fabuloso!

    1. I agree, I thought of the salsa idea after I had put the photos together. I like fresh salsa on just about everything. Yum!

  3. Yum! Never thought to turn veggie burgers into tacos! I’d make a slaw out of cabbage, apples, lime, and the dressing to add to this!

    1. Love me some slaw, especially in the summertime! I agree, it would make a nice addition. Thanks for sharing. Yeehaw!

  4. I think I would opt to saute some red peppers and onions in with the burger bits.

    1. Yes, those would make a nice spicy addition especially since I didn’t include a salsa in the recipe. Thanks for sharing and best of luck with the giveaway. Yeehaw!

  5. I would make my own taco seasoning and would add some chipotle for a spicy and smoky twist.

    1. I’m all about the “make your own” taco seasoning! And I LOVE anything smoky! Sounds delicious!

    1. The more tomatoes the better, especially fresh from the garden this time of year!

    1. I believe you can never go wrong with more cilantro! It’s one of my personal faves!

  6. Have you ever tried amba ??? It’s spicy sour preserved mango you can get (or make) at middle eastern markets!

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