Interview: Eric Lindstrom of The Skeptical Vegan

This week I welcome friend, fellow vegan and fellow vegan blogger Eric Lindstrom to my monthly interview series. Thanks to social media, Eric and I became quick “friends” a...   READ MORE...

Interview: Laura Miller of Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.

Yeeeeeeehhhaaaaaawwwww! Today is a really big day! You know the kind of day when one of your vegan heroes is featured on your blog kind-of-day? Well, that's me and it's all officially...   READ MORE...

Book Review: Dave Loves Chickens by Carlos Patino (a veg-friendly children’s book) + Video

It's been quite some time since I have written a book review and never have I posted about a children's book before. I am excited to share with you Dave...   READ MORE...

Book Review: Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur

On April 7th, 2015 an extraordinary thing happened. Gene Baur co-founder and President of Farm Sanctuary released a new book entitled Living the Farm Sanctuary Life. A triathlete, vegan, animal...   READ MORE...

Book Review: Vegan Cowboy by Carol Treacy

You can imagine how excited I was when I learned there was a new book hitting book store shelves entitled Vegan Cowboy. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I...   READ MORE...

{Guest Blog: They’re Not Mistakes, They’re Opportunities by Heather Crosby} & Yum Universe book GIVEAWAY

Happy bright, shiny and sparkly New Year dearest followers! I couldn't be happier and more humbled that my very first blog for year 2015 is a guest post submitted by...   READ MORE...