Interview: Jenny Engel & Heather Bell of Spork Foods

It's an exciting time in the world to eat (and be) vegan and Jenny Engel and Heather Bell of Spork Foods make it easier for all of us to...   READ MORE...

{Guest Post: The Jazzy Vegetarian} ~ Why A Plant-Based Diet? + Spinach-Tomato Vegan Omelet Recipe + Vegan-ease Cookbook GIVEAWAY

It's been quite a while since I have featured a famed vegan cookbook author here on my site, but that's about to change right this very moment! I'm honored...   READ MORE...

Book Review & GIVEAWAY: The Forks Over Knives Plan

What better time to think about what you’re eating and your health than during the holidays. For those of you who celebrate, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on...   READ MORE...

My Radio Interview with Brian Patton of The Sexy Vegan

Perhaps it was a coincidence that Brian Patton of The Sexy Vegan asked me to be a guest on his radio show a couple weeks ago to share my journey...   READ MORE...

The Cowgirl Round Up Part 2: The Best of Natural Products Expo West 2014 Vegan Style

It’s hard to believe that three weeks have passed since the Natural Products Expo West trade show ended. The event was so much more than I had anticipated. It...   READ MORE...

Upton’s Naturals Seitan Veggie Casserole

One of the most common vegan-related questions I am asked, aside from “where do you get your protein?” is “don’t you miss the foods you used to eat?” I’m...   READ MORE...