Product Review: Skinny Limits Raw Cold-Pressed Juice Cleanse

Happy March everyone!

The daffodils in my front yard have been blooming for a couple of weeks now, and with the recent rains, the hillsides are lush and green. Spring has most definitely sprung here in the foothills of Northern California. And with springtime, like with other seasons, many of us make changes and shifts in our lives. Perhaps the most common springtime activity is the annual ritual of spring cleaning. Spring cleaning takes on different forms for each of us. When I think of spring cleaning, I don’t just think about the usual purging of closets or housecleaning, but rather housekeeping of our very own bodies. For some, this might be a time to consider cutting back on sugar or drinking less alcohol.

A few weeks ago I did a three day juice cleanse compliments of Skinny Limits, a cold-pressed bottled juice company based in Austin, Texas. You might be wondering why I would do a juice cleanse when I already eat a rigorously healthy vegan diet. The truth is that juice fasting, or feasting some of my raw foodie friends call it, can be beneficial no matter what type of diet you subscribe to. Some of the benefits of juice cleansing are, it:

  • Gives your body a break from having to digest food
  • Increases energy levels
  • Reduces inflammation in the skin and body
  • Releases toxins
  • Helps identify food patterns and habits
  • Breaks stimulant use
  • Reduces bloating

Juicing and juice cleanses are no stranger to me. Back in 2008, following my breast cancer diagnosis, I changed my diet and lifestyle. After attending an intensive course at the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, I went on a 100% raw food diet which included a lot of juicing, mostly green juicing. Because I own my own juicer, I have always made fresh juice myself at home so this three day juice cleanse with Skinny Limits was a welcomed, new change. While I have only good things to say about my Breville Icon juicer at home, it was so nice to skip all the prep work and not have to clean the juicer afterwards! I’ve always enjoyed the fresh taste of my homemade juices, but there was something about the Skinny Limits juices that tasted different and really good. I am certain that it was the fact that these juices are cold-pressed. You can really taste the difference because this juice is truly alive. And even though these juices were shipped to me overnight, they tasted fresh when I opened them.

After the juices arrived, I put them straight into the refrigerator as the juices must be kept cold. Skinny Limits has a handy dandy numbering system so you know exactly what order to drink the juices. They have an array of different types of juices and cleanses to chose from, I chose the three day Variety Cleanse becuase I wanted to try most of their juice offerings. The Variety Cleanse included the following juices, 18 altogether. Per the instructions, I drank six per day:




  • 3 Pure & Simple (Green Juice)
  • 3 Balance (Green Ginger)
  • 3 Scorpion Lemonade (Cayenne Pepper)
  • 3 Crescent Moon (Cashew Nut Milk)
  • 3 Green Firefly (Kale and Pineapple)
  • 3 Lotus (Beet Juice)


Green Firefly Juice
Green Firefly Juice


Scorpion Lemonade
Scorpion Lemonade


Crescent Moon juice


Lotus juice
Lotus juice


I LOVED these juices! Every single bottle I opened always tasted fresh as if it was just made minutes beforehand. I must admit that the Scorpion Lemonade took some getting used to and that’s probably because aside from lemon juice, the other main ingredient was cayenne pepper! It was challenging to get down, but I definitely felt very alive after drinking one. Cayenne pepper will most definitely put a pep in your step. Of all the juices my favorites were the Green Firefly and the Crescent Moon, which tasted more like a sweet treat to me. Who knew you could drink dessert?

How did I know when or which juice to drink? Skinny Limits provides an instruction booklet which is a great reference and they also include the phone number of someone to call if you have questions while cleansing. The booklet also describes detox symptoms and stresses to drink lots of water in between each juice.




My Experience with the 3 Day Skinny Limits Juice Cleanse:


Juice Cleanse Day 1 ~ Easy Peasy 

My cleanse got off to an easy start probably because I was so jazzed to try the juices and to top it off, I didn’t have to do any kitchen cleanup afterwards! No problems to report. I drank water in between the six juices and also some hot herbal tea as well; you don’t want to drink caffeinated teas as that would defeat the purpose of the cleanse.

Juice Cleanse Day 2 ~Saddle Up and Hold on Tight

Things got down to the nitty gritty and this cowgirl had to hold on tight. Day 2 was the first day I felt hungry. This is totally normal, even for other cleanses that I have done in the past. Remember that if you can get through Day 2 you will likely keep going without breaking the cleanse. A few years ago I did a week long liquid fast and on the 7th day I was feeling great. The only reason I stopped the cleanse was to keep a lunch date I had with a friend. If it weren’t for that, I bet I could have gone on for days longer.

Juice Cleanse Day 3 ~ The Final Frontier:

Day three felt great. It was as if I could live on juice alone. I felt great and my hunger pangs dissipated. If I had more Skinny Limits juice I would have probably continued.  


My Overall Thoughts on the Skinny Limits Juice Cleanse:


I LOVED the juices on this cleanse. I can’t express how fresh the juices tasted even by comparison to the fresh juices I make at home. One day when I can afford it, I will most certainly invest in a cold-pressed juicer. I believe they truly made all the difference.

I would do the Skinny Limits juice cleanse again in a heartbeat. I personally think regular cleanses are a good idea for all of us. Most people perform oil changes on their cars more frequently than they cleanse their own bodies! Regular cleanses (monthly or quarterly) are a great way to kick start a new lifestyle or diet and explore how your body might feel eating fewer processed foods. You might feel inclined to eat more healthfully or try adding more fruits and veggies into your daily eating routine.

The program was easy. Between the labeling system and the juice cleanse instructions, the Skinny Limits program is super user-friendly. I love that they offer phone support, if needed.

The price was right. Skinny Limits offers competitive pricing on their juices. For $49 per day you receive 6 juices and for a three day cleanse, like the one I did, the total cost with shipping is $147. You save money doing your own juicing at home, with Skinny Limits you save time; there’s no cleanup, just grab a cold bottle out of your fridge and go! Their program was definitely worth the extra money.

If you’re not sure if you are interested in giving the Skinny Limits cleanse a try, you can visit their FAQ page for more information. or visit their Shop page to browse the different juice cleanse options and packages available to order. Keep in mind they can also create a custom order just for you!

As an avid juice drinker, I give Skinny Limits a 5 STAR rating. I loved the simplicity of their cleanse, the look and most importantly the taste. Skinny Limits is great for those who want to detoxify or do a temporary cleanse. If you don’t own a juicer, this is the perfect introduction to quality raw juices that taste delicious.

Have you done a juice cleanse or do you still have questions about juicing or juice cleanses? Please leave me a comment or question below; I’d love to hear about your experience. If you’re considering buying a juicer and would like some suggestions, visit my guest blog post on the Green Drink Diaries website for suggestions and guidance.

As always, thanks for tuning in and yeehaw!

xo, Kayle


For more information about Skinny Limits, visit their website, social media sites or in person at one of their Austin, Texas locations:


Skinny Limits






You can also visit their 3 Austin, Texas store locations:


Skinny Limits ~ Far West Blvd.

3720 Far West Blvd., Suite 105 Austin, TX 78731

(512) 827-2277

Hours: Monday – Friday 7am-7pm, Saturday-Sunday 8am-5pm


Skinny Limits ~Lake Austin Blvd.

2201 Lake Austin Blvd. Austin, Texas 78701

(512) 689-6269 Hours: 7am-6pm daily


Skinny Limits ~ Lakeway Plaza

1310 Ranch Road 620 S A-01 Lakeway, Texas 78734

(512) 827-2905

Hours: Monday-Sunday 7am-6pm



7 thoughts on “Product Review: Skinny Limits Raw Cold-Pressed Juice Cleanse

  1. This sounds awesome. I’d love to try these! I’ve always been interested in a juice cleanse, but due to my digestive disorder it is a no go for me :(does Skinny Limits and other juice companies sell their juices individually? I’ve been doing lots of smoothies and that has made my digestive system happy, but I’d like to replace that with a juice here or there and I don’t have a juicer yet.

    1. Great Amanda! If you live near Austin, Texas you can most definitely get their juices individually in one of their locations. Otherwise, it looks like they ship in packages. Check out their website for more info:

    1. I am not sure about doing a cleanse while running. If you do get the inspiration to do a juice cleanse these are great!

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