Product Review: Daily Greens Cold Pressed Green Juices & Cleanse

Cowgirl + Bike + Daily Greens2014 was most definitely a year of indulgence for me. I traveled to umpteen states in search of some of the finest vegan food and establishments and let’s be honest I sampled more vegan food than anyone really should. What were the results? A pretty significant weight gain (this is the part where I blame my blog for the scale going up in numbers). Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for the many plant based companies who were kind enough to gift me a of free food samples and equally thrilled that I was able to try so many varied products, it’s just that most of them contained lots of sugar and because of that, my rump (it’s not always all about that bass!) and waistline have taken bit of a hit.

Since 2015 has rolled around I have made some significant changes. And let me tell you, I am not one to make New Year’s Resolutions. I’m not going to lie, 2015 has gotten off to an interesting start, and by interesting I mean challenging. So we are just over two weeks into this brand new shiny new year, and while I see this as an opportunity to create and manifest all that I want in my life, I won’t say that the last fifteen or so days have been easy. I’m going through some transitions right now, but that certainly doesn’t mean that my diet has to suffer. And thankfully it hasn’t.

Daily Greens Cleanse Kit

I’m eternally grateful to the kind folks at Daily Greens who jumped in at just the right time. Last week they sent me a 12 pack of a few of their signature green juices (4 flavors in 16 ounce bottles) straight from their Austin, Texas location. I knew it was the perfect time to cut out the sugar (my true weakness in life) and do a little rebooting. You might recall that I did a similar cleanse last year (check out my post here) though the duration was longer, I didn’t eat any food in between juices and the juice wasn’t made up of all greens.

Daily Greens is different. They suggest eating small raw fruit and veggie meals in between their juices and while they don’t provide as many juices in their cleanse kit, the juices are both organic and cold pressed. And…one of the most exciting things I discovered after receiving the juices and reading up on the company is that Shauna Martin, the founder of Daily Greens, like me, is a breast cancer survivor! She discovered the benefits of juicing while undergoing treatments for cancer. I am always so thrilled to learn of women like her, who decide to create a healthful business after experiencing something as scary and wild as a journey with a life-threatening disease. Cancer cowgirls rock!

Back to the green juices and the cleanse…

Vitality Daily Greens

All of the juices (view a list of the Daily Greens flavors here) contain 6 pounds of fruits and veggies in each bottle which also contains 9 servings of fruits and veggies. Yes, I said 9! Plus, this is one of few juice companies that not only ships their juices straight to your doorstep, but they also source their fruits and vegetables locally from famers who use sustainable practices. Additionally, Daily Greens also uses the HPP (High Pressure Processing), also known as pascalization, not pasteurization, which uses high pressure instead of heat to ensure that the juices do not contain harmful bacteria. This was one important factor that set their company apart from others that I have tried. I am not sure if it’s the cold press process or not, but upon receiving the juices I noticed that their “use by” date was a week plus away. This was a nice perk because I didn’t feel inclined to have to start the cleanse the date the juices were delivered. Additionally, I have an extra special appreciation for cold pressed juice because it’s not heated so all the enzymes and vital nutrients are intact and not damaged. A good thing!

After starting the cleanse, like with others I have done before, I noticed that once I got through day one I felt lighter and had more energy. I had an increased improvement with my digestion, which is one of the many benefits of doing a juice cleanse– to give your body a temporary relief from having to break down food. All of the Daily Greens juices tasted great too! I think my favorite was the Rejuvenate flavor which contains pineapple, carrot, romaine lettuce, tumeric, spinach, lemon and of course collard greens. Holla to the collards!

Cowgirl Drinking her Greens

All in all, I had a great experience with Daily Greens. In fact, I don’t have anything negative to say about my cleansing experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the juices (which are reasonably priced), I felt good during the detox/cleanse period (4 days) and would most definitely consider taking part in another cleanse like this in the future. In fact, I am a huge advocate of cleansing several times a year. I have even gone through periods where I fasted once a week. Though I realize cleanses and fasting can be scary for some, I do recommend it, but do your research first. Daily Greens is a great place to start! Plus, with their door-to-door shipment option they create an easy environment to do a cleanse. You don’t have to own a juicer, you don’t have to worry about the cleanup; just grab a bottle of your favorite green juice blend out of the frig and go!

For more information about Daily Greens or to order, check out their helpful website ( and tell them that the cowgirl sent ya. Yeehaw!

If you have further questions about juicing or want to know more specifics about my experience with the Daily Greens juices or cleanse, please leave me a comment below. I am always happy to hear your experiences too!

xo, Kayle

Harmony Daily Greens Juice

All photos courtesy of Faye White Photography.

2 thoughts on “Product Review: Daily Greens Cold Pressed Green Juices & Cleanse

  1. Great blog post (and you look great, by the way). I know what you mean about the blogger samples. Way too indulgant. While I’m not cleansing I have committed to a gallon of water a day and that already feels good.

    So, your plans are to get back to your fighting weight just in time for ExpoWest 2015 when you can put it all back on in one weekend?


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