My Thought For Food Podcast Interview


Howdy friends!

As October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, I thought it would be appropriate to share my recent podcast interview with Thought For Food. I was both honored and humbled at the invitation to join co-host Aaron Stuber, in person to record the episode while I was visiting Boulder, Colorado last month. According to their website, Thought For Food “helps people get healthier through education, coaching support, guided mentorships and nutrition information.” Between a blog, a YouTube channel as well as monthly podcasts, hosts Jackson Long and Aaron Stuber connect with prominent people in the plant based and athletic world to deliver scientific and relevant information on healthy lifestyles. If you aren’t familiar, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to their website. Between the two of them, they share a wealth of information from applicable backgrounds in nursing, public health, physiology, plant based nutrition, not to mention, both Jackson and Aaron are hardcore athletes. I think we’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from this team in the future.

And now for the interview…

If you haven’t heard my breast cancer story and journey to wellness through plants, please take a listen below.

Thanks for tuning in.

Yeehaw, Kayle

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Listen to my interview about breast cancer and eating plants with Thought for Food here.