My Radio Interview with Brian Patton of The Sexy Vegan

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Perhaps it was a coincidence that Brian Patton of The Sexy Vegan asked me to be a guest on his radio show a couple weeks ago to share my journey with breast cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month after all. Not only is this the month of pink ribbons and self breast exams, but it also represents the month that I was diagnosed (circa 2008 when I was a mere thirty years old). Time has most certainly flown by because just a couple weeks ago, I celebrated my six year cancer-versary. I feel blessed everyday at the fact that I am still alive and kickin’!

I’m not going to lie, I’ve been secretly hoping that Brian would invite me to be on his radio program; I just never imagined it would be so soon. The Sexy Vegan Radidio is one of my all-time favorite podcasts of which I am a loyal listener every week. If you aren’t familiar with Brian, you will be shortly. He’s hilariously funny, has got one of those unique (radio) voices, has an amazing following in the land of social media and makes the most good-lookin’ vegan food that makes me drool right from my computer screen! I am so honored to have been a guest on his show and now, I can officially say that I’ve shared the airwaves with some of my long-time vegan heroes. Lucky me!

Meeting The Sexy Vegan for the first time at Natural Products Expo West ~ March 2014
My first time meeting The Sexy Vegan at Natural Products Expo West ~ March 2014

I’ve been fortunate enough to have met Brian earlier this year on two occasions, both in Southern California where he lives. I must admit that being on Brian’s show was just like being in the same room with him. He’s just as witty in person as he is on the air; he has a way of making people laugh and at the same time feel totally comfortable.

If you haven’t heard the details of my two-time journey with cancer, take a listen (just click the arrow) to the half hour program below. And if you have, you might just find out a few new things about me or my story that you didn’t know before (like that time the Peruvian shaman spit in my face!).



A huge thanks to Brian for having me on his show! If you’d like more information about vegan chef, radio host and vegan cookbook author, Brian Patton, visit The Sexy Vegan or graciously follow him on any one of his social media sites: FacebookTwitterInstagram or Pinterest.


That time I met up with Brian at the LA Vegan Beer Festival (May 2014)
Meeting up with Brian at the LA Vegan Beer Festival ~ May 2014

Do you have a burning question that I didn’t address in this interview having to do with cancer, eating plants or something else? Feel free to leave me a note or a comment below and I will happily address your questions. As always, thanks for tuning in cowgirls and cowboys. Yeehaw!

XO, Kayle