Making Cancer-Fighting Green Juice with The Vegan Zombie

Just two weeks ago, after catching a red-eye flight to upstate New York, I found myself filming an episode of Juicing with The Vegan Zombie! Never ever could I have imagined that I would be invited to be a part of an episode of one of the country’s leading vegan cooking shows on YouTube (One Green Planet just voted them #4!)! This humble cowgirl (errr…that would be me) had the amazing opportunity to share her very favorite cancer-fighting, green juice recipe, and now she’s ready to share it with all of you!

Big green juice cheers with The Vegan Zombie boys!
Green juice cheers with The Vegan Zombie boys!

I cannot tell you how often I am asked for juicing recipes, especially because drinking fresh veggie juice was not only my staple, but a way of life for me for 1.5 years following a breast cancer diagnosis at the age 30. I created The Green Cowgirl recipe after reading up on different green juice recipes and tweaking them to satisfy my taste buds without adding any fruit. Why no fruit in my juice you ask? Well that’s simple, cancer feeds on sugar. I cut fruit out of my diet after the diagnosis for a long, long time. I focused on cleansing and giving my body a break from having to work hard to digest food. Though drinking greens took some getting used to in the beginning, I began to crave green juice like many people crave coffee. I thought of my daily green juice doses (1-3 times a day) like an IV that would go straight into my bloodstream providing vital enzymes, nutrients, minerals as well creating an alkaline environment, which cancer cells hate. When it comes to food, I know that the color green may be scary to some, but I encourage you to give green juicing a try. Heck you can even add a low-glycemic fruit (such as a apple or a pear) to the mix if the juice tastes too earthy or bitter.

And now for the video… be sure to tune in below. Feel free to leave your comments to let me know if you tried the recipe and what you thought of it.



There’s no better time than now to whip out those dusty juicers in your cupboards and give this unique recipe a try! If you are unsure exactly what juicing is, or what type of juicer to use or consider buying, check out a guest blog I wrote for Green Drink Diaries where I share my take on juicers and the benefits of juicing. Click here to read it.


And now for the recipe:

The Green Cowgirl – green juice recipe

*Wash all vegetables before juicing and buy organic whenever possible

  • 2 cucumbers (peel first if not organic)
  • 3-4 stalks of celery
  • 4-5 stalks of kale
  • 4-5 leaves of romaine lettuce
  • small handful of cilantro
  • small handful of parsley
  • 1 lemon or lime (remove rind but leave as much of the white pith as possible)
  • 1”(or smaller) piece of ginger root


And for a little behind the scenes…


Behind the scenes filming in the safe house with The Vegan Zombie
Behind the scenes filming in the safe house with The Vegan Zombie


For those of you wondering, yes, I DID get to meet The Vegan Zombie's sidekick, Indy pup!
For those of you wondering, yes…I DID get to meet Indy, The Vegan Zombie’s sidekick!


Cowgirl gone mad! Naw, we were just playin' around in the kitchen!
Mad Cow(girl)! Naw, we were just playin’ around in the kitchen (and keeping zombies away)!


As always, thanks for tuning in and happy juicing! Yeehaw!

xo, Kayle

4 thoughts on “Making Cancer-Fighting Green Juice with The Vegan Zombie

  1. Awesome recipe and video! I had lots of laughs and enjoyed watching it. Right on Kayle!

    P.S. can’t wait to try the recipe!


  2. Thanks so much Bernice and I am thrilled you liked the video. Let’s get together for some green juicing!!

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