Interview: Laura Miller of Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.


Yeeeeeeehhhaaaaaawwwww! Today is a really big day! You know the kind of day when one of your vegan heroes is featured on your blog kind of day? Well, that’s what is officially happening right NOW!

Today I welcome the creative and hilarious genius behind the YouTube show Raw Vegan Not Gross, also the author of a new cookbook by the same name (Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.), Laura Miller. Perhaps most known for being the maker of fancy fruit and vegetable wearings– like hats, necklaces and crowns– plant based chef Laura is the coolest vegan I (want) to know. I guess you could technically say she’s my woman crush. Laura is definitely a stand out when it comes to online cooking shows, not only because of her creative content, but also her immeasurable sense of humor. She brings fun into the kitchen. Not only are Laura’s (mostly raw) recipes interesting, relatively easy to make and super deliciously satisfying, she makes mixing up plant based foods in the kitchen look like your best and most fun day ever!

I wholeheartedly and excitedly (I think I may have just peed my pants a little!) welcome the amazing Laura Miller to Cowgirls & Collard Greens!

xo, Kayle


Cowgirls & Collard Greens: Congratulations on your new book Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.! As one of your longtime fans, I’m probably more excited than you! What inspired you to write the book seeing as though you have had great success with other mediums (YouTube, food art, your raw food business, etc.); was it just the next step?

Laura Miller: Thanks! I was so excited to write the book because it gave me an opportunity to share so much more than I’m able to in a five-minute recipe video or a photo caption. It allowed me to dig a bit deeper into the reasons why I’m so passionate about us all taking better care of ourselves.

Blackberry Chia Muffins (page 56-57)

C&CG: Do you have a favorite recipe from the book (I know, tough question!)? Or is there a recipe that serves as your go-to?

LM: My favorite recipe is probably the lavender cheesecake – when I had my raw vegan desserts business in San Francisco I sold it by the slice and people went crazy for it! My go-to is the berries and milk which barely counts as a recipe but is a lazy daily staple!

C&CG: Although you tell the story in your book, can you share a brief version of how and why you became vegan?

LM: I became a vegan overnight after reading a book that spelled out the environmental, animal rights, and health reasons behind veganism – it seemed like a no-brainer to me. I also have a very close relationship with my 80lb dog – a daily reminder of how weird it would be to eat another animal!

laura_miller_kale (1)

C&CG: How did you get involved with creating food as wearable art? And how did the whole “froobs” phenomenon come about?

LM: I started making the jewelry/wigs/art (I still haven’t figured out what to call it!) while I was working to create content for RVNG (the show). I was researching food and nutrition like a madwoman and was getting really overwhelmed by all the perfectly styled food blogs out there. So like an angsty rebellious teen, I had to go and make it weird by making a wig out of green beans. Froobs (fruit+boobs) photos are just an extension of that little series, but with a lighthearted nod to my love of talking bods!


C&CG: You mention in your book that you’re an introvert and have “no business in front of the camera” which comes as a surprise to me and I am sure many others. I think it’s your humor that has truly won over the hearts of your followers. Do you still get nervous in front of the camera?

LM: Yes! It still requires a bit of white knuckling – it’s so much better than it was when I first started though!

C&CG: How has your focus on food changed your perception on other things in your life?

LM: How I eat is a good daily barometer of how well I am (or am not!) taking care of myself – it’s usually a pretty good indicator of how well I’m doing in other areas of life as well!

Tomato Pomegranate Salad (page 87)

C&CG: You’re an accomplished plant based chef, cookbook author, producer of your own YouTube show and a fruit and vegetable wearing entertainer, what ground haven’t you covered? Where do you see yourself going next?

LM: I’ve got a few different projects in the works right now, all of which involve focusing more on the mental and emotional components of eating well and taking care of ourselves in general. Hoping to get them out there soon!

C&CG: A big ol’ cowgirl thank you Laura for taking the time to answer my questions today. Here’s to wishing you a successful run with your new book! May you continue to make incredible, healthy and fun food while having a great time. You inspire us all!


You can watch Laura’s recent YouTube video below where she answers questions about her new book that hit bookstores nationwide on May 31, 2016 and is available wherever books are sold.

Keep in touch with all things Laura Miller and Raw. Vegan. Not Gross. through her social media channels: Facebook, TwitterInstagram and YouTube.


Photos by David Loftus.

4 thoughts on “Interview: Laura Miller of Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.

  1. This is terrific – thanks so much for posting. I always learn something exciting from you!

  2. Great feature. I just bought Laura’s cookbook. I am inspired to try raw, vegan recipes!!

    1. So glad that you bought the book! You’ll have to share your food photos with me!

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