Happy Holidays from Cowgirls & Collard Greens!

Howdy and Happy Holidays!


It’s hard to believe that I launched Cowgirls & Collard Greens (the website along with all my social media sites) on July 1st of this year. It’s been 6 months and I have a combined total of over 3,000 followers! My vegan travels have taken me to six states where I have attended many veggie-related events and have dined amongst the country’s finest vegan-friendly restaurants. I attended my very first vegan red carpet event in New York City this past summer and was featured on a popular vegan cooking show this past fall. And, thanks to your support and interest, I gave my very first vegan health talk in October and I have my second booked for next month. 2013 has been a great year to connect with like-minded new people. It’s truly been an incredible journey, and perhaps the best thing of all, is that I am no longer wondering what it is I should do with my life. It has become very clear. My life’s work and passion is to share my story with the world in hopes of bringing health, wellness, compassion and awareness to the forefront of people’s minds. You have helped create this platform, not to mention, your emails have kept me company on late nights.




It isn’t often through my weekly blog posts that I take the opportunity to thank the very people who help make Cowgirls & Collard Greens possible. It is you, my readers, who have encouraged me, asked important questions, stayed curious, and who have unknowingly pushed me through when I’ve felt too tired to to research my next blog topic. So this season, I want to thank you for tagging along, for making comments on my posts, for joining me on this journey whether it be for your love of animals, your concern for your health, your love of our planet or just being veg-curious. On this very special day of the year, I give great gratitude for each of you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for teaching. Thank you for for following. And thank you for keeping me on the perfect path to share and educate.

With vegan cheer and a little bit of yeehaw from the bottom of my cowgirl heart, Kayle xo



4 thoughts on “Happy Holidays from Cowgirls & Collard Greens!

    1. Thanks for being one of my many followers Debbie! Love your constant upbeat and fun attitude towards life! Stay warm out there.

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