{Guest Post: The Jazzy Vegetarian} ~ Why A Plant-Based Diet? + Spinach-Tomato Vegan Omelet Recipe + Vegan-ease Cookbook GIVEAWAY

It’s been quite a while since I have featured a famed vegan cookbook author here on my site, but that’s about to change this very moment! I’m honored to share this space today with longtime vegan, Laura Theodore as she shares an excerpt and recipe from her brand new cookbook, Vegan-ease: A Guide to Enjoying A Plant-Based Diet

Vegan-Ease by Laura Theodore

First things first. Laura Theodore is amazing! She’s been vegan long before most of us knew how to pronounce the word “vee-gh-an”. She’s widely known as the “Jazzy Vegetarian” because of her  television cooking series by the same name which has been on air for five seasons (don’t be fooled by the name, it’s actually a fully plant based cooking show)! In addition to television, Laura also hosts the popular podcast radio show called Jazzy Vegetarian Radio . Why “jazzy” you might be wondering? It turns out that Laura is actually a critically acclaimed and award-winning jazz singer and songwriter. Laura is also the author of two other vegan cookbooks, Vegan-ease being her third publication. I am blown away by Laura’s multi-talents and I think it’s amazing that she’s found a creative way to mesh all of her many passions together. Thank you for sharing with us today Laura and welcome!

Yeehaw, Kayle xo


Why a Plant-Based Diet? by Laura Theodore

Laura Season 5

I strongly believe that eating “animal-free” is healthier for us, the planet and, of course, the animals. The easier it is to adopt a vegan lifestyle, the more people will choose it. Many home chefs are now looking to add more vegetables into their weekly menu plan, serving at least one wholly plant-powered meal each week.

But why even consider going “veggie” in the first place? Well, for one thing, it’s one of the best things we can do to support the environment. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, “Animal agriculture accounts for at least 14.5 percent—and, according to some studies, as much as 51 percent—of greenhouse gas emissions, 50 percent of antibiotic use and 37 percent of pesticide use.”1 The vegan publication, VegNews reports: “It takes 100 to 200 times more water to produce a pound of beef than it does to grow a pound of plant foods.”2 Wow, that’s a lot of H2O! With issues of record droughts facing parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world, we can actually make a real difference in the water supply by reducing meat consumption, and this is no small thing.

Of course, the foremost reason to forego animal foods is out of concern for the welfare of—and overall compassion for—animals. According to the animal protection organization, Farm Sanctuary: “Far from the idyllic, spacious pastures that are shown in advertisements for meat, milk, and eggs, factory farms typically consist of large numbers of animals being raised in extreme confinement.”3

Another reason to consider adding more organic, vegan meals to your diet is to achieve better personal health. Processed foods, along with pesticide-laden foods, are not the best choices to help maintain a fit body, so adding more whole foods on a regular basis is certainly a great way to start on the path to supporting good health. The founder and executive director of the Wellness Forum, Dr. Pam Popper, states: “There are few people who disagree with the idea that eating a better diet is the key to enjoying better health, and an increasing body of medical evidence shows that many degenerative diseases can be stopped and even reversed by eating the right diet: one based on whole plant foods.” 4

So…Why a Plant-Based Diet? It’s good for the animals, the environment, and your body!


1  http://takeextinctionoffyourplate.com/extinction-free_bbq/index.html

2  http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=4425&catId=3

3  http://www.farmsanctuary.org/learn/factory-farming/

4  Jazzy Vegetarian, Laura Theodore, Book Publishing Company, 2011.


Spinach-Tomato Vegan Omelet  by Laura Theodore


Makes 2 servings / Ease Factor 3

I tried for years to create a tasty vegan omelet, so I was super excited when I came up with this oven-baked version. Because a tofu-based omelet is more delicate than the classic egg version, I have developed a jazzy method for helping it to stay together when serving. It takes a little bit of extra fuss, but is well worth the effort.


2 medium tomatoes, cut into ¼-inch thick slices

½ teaspoon dried thyme

¼ teaspoon sea salt

Several grinds of freshly ground pepper


5 to 6 cups very lightly packed baby spinach, washed and dried


1 block (14 to 16 ounces) firm regular tofu

½ teaspoon dried marjoram

¼ teaspoon ground turmeric

1⁄8 teaspoon smoked paprika

1⁄8 teaspoon cayenne pepper


¼ teaspoon smoked paprika (for dusting top)

¼ cup shredded vegan cheese (optional)

Sea salt, to taste

Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coat with vegan margarine a heavy, ovenproof 10-inch round sauté pan or skillet with tight fitting lid.

Arrange the tomatoes in the prepared skillet by overlapping them slightly. Sprinkle the thyme, 1⁄4 teaspoon salt and several grinds of black pepper evenly over the top of the tomatoes.  Top the tomato layer with all of the baby spinach, pressing it down slightly.

Put all of the tofu “egg” layer ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Spread the tofu mixture evenly over the spinach, smoothing the top as you go.

Dust the top of the tofu layer with the additional 1⁄4 teaspoon smoked paprika. Cover tightly and bake for 45 minutes. Put the pan on a wire rack and let cool for 5 minutes.

Carefully cut the omelet into two servings, by slicing down the middle. Gently lift one-half of the omelet out of the pan, using two very large, flat spatulas. Place it tomato side down onto a rimmed dinner plate. Place a second rimmed dinner plate of the same size firmly over top of the omelet and quickly flip it over to invert the omelet so the tomatoes will now be facing upward. Sprinkle the tomatoes with 2 tablespoons of the vegan cheese, if desired. Then, use the spatula to gently fold the omelet over. Proceed plating up the second half of the omelet in the same manner.

Spoon the sauce that remains in the bottom of the pan over each omelet. Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste. Serve warm.

Omelet 2

Amount per serving, based on 2 servings:  188 Calories; 11g Fat; 2g Saturated fat;  21g Protein; 107mg Sodium; 7g Total Carbohydrate; 2g Sugars; 4g Fiber

Recipe © 2015 Laura Theodore, published by Jazzy Vegetarian, LLC, reprinted by permission.


And now for the GIVEAWAY portion of this post!

I am gifting one autographed copy of Laura’s Vegan-ease: A Guide to Enjoying A Plant-Based Diet to one lucky random U.S. winner. Entries will be held through Monday, October 26th at 5pm PST.

To enter:

  1. Please ensure that you have signed up to receive for my blog posts via email (this is the only way I can contact you to let you know if you’ve won so it’s super important). Sign up here.
  2. Leave a comment in the box below explaining why you’d like to win a copy of  the Vegan-ease cookbook. Here are a few questions to get you going: Are you new to vegan cooking? Are you familiar with Laura’s other books? If you won a copy of Vegan-ease, would you use the book at home or gift it to a friend?

To stay in touch with Laura and all things Jazzy Vegetarian, follow her on her social media sites or visit her websites:

Jazzy Vegetarian on Facebook

Jazzy Vegetarian on Twitter

Jazzy Vegetarian on Instagram

Jazzy Vegetarian on Pinterest




24 thoughts on “{Guest Post: The Jazzy Vegetarian} ~ Why A Plant-Based Diet? + Spinach-Tomato Vegan Omelet Recipe + Vegan-ease Cookbook GIVEAWAY

  1. Looking forward to Laura’s latest book. I have read & cooked from her others, plus recipes featured on her website & TV show. Miss the show being on my local PBS affiliate. I would use this book mostly while on my girlfriends’ retreat vacations to show non-vegan friends how easy & tasty vegan eating can be. Same use when visiting family who say vegan eating is too difficult or inconvenient. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. You bet! I am new knowing about Laura and her years of cooking expertise. I’m happy to be sharing her latest cookbook with my readers. Thanks for your support and best of luck with the giveaway!

  2. I would keep this book for our household. I’ve been Vegan for awhile but my husband is a new Vegan and I would like to win this book so that I can make him some great Vegan meals. Finally we can eat the same meal together. I am in need of new ideas and new recipes to keep him happy, and enjoying his Vegan lifestyle. I have seen a few of Laura’s shows and just loved the things she was making and all the great information she provided, I was wildly interested in every thing she did. So very happy for the opportunity to win a great Vegan cookbook and learn more about Laura and her style and ideas for variety and deliciousness in Vegan cooking.

    1. Thanks for your comments Deanne!

      I am excited about this giveaway and what a perfect tool this cookbook would be for your household! Congrats to your husband on his new vegan venture! Best of luck with the giveaway! Thanks and yeehaw!

    1. I can’t believe that I have never seen Laura’s show, but I have heard great things! Thanks for tuning in and good luck with the giveaway!

  3. I would love to win Vegan-ease! I am a big fan of the Jazzy Vegetarian show and FB page. I love Laura Theodore. I have learned so many wonderful recipes and tips from her show. Because of my arthritis, a few years ago, I cut out almost all animal products and have gone gluten free, too. I find that having the cookbook in front of me will give me more options at my fingertips. Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Thanks for tuning in Sarah!

      Sounds like Laura’s new cookbook would make a welcomed addition to your kitchen! Thanks for entering the giveaway and best of luck. Yeehaw!

    1. I’ve heard this cookbook is great for the novice chef as well as the experienced and there’s something for everyone inside. Thanks for entering the giveaway and good luck Karen!

      1. I’m a day late in CONGRATULATING you on your win Karen! I’ll be sending you an email shortly! I hope you enjoy your new cookbook and that it helps with creating healthy, tasty and easy meals around your work schedule!

  4. I have been vegan for several years, but don’t have any of Laura’s books. How can that be? I’d totally keep this for myself. I’d wrap it up for Christmas! ? To: Leslie
    From: Your vegan friends!

    1. A good choice Leslie! Wrapping the book up for yourself for Christmas sounds like a perfect plan! Thanks for your continued support and best of luck with the giveaway. Yeehaw!

  5. I would love to own this cookbook. The recipes look amazing and not difficult and with ingredients that are common and easy to find, even in my very rural town. I’ve been completely vegan for almost 6 months now, and trying to broaden my recipes for myself and my extended non vegan family. I was lucky enough to find you off of someone else’s install gram and you led me to jazzy vegetarian. Now I have 2 new resources to help me learn new things

    1. Welcome Stacey and congrats on your recent vegan venture! It sounds like Laura’s new cookbook would be a welcome addition to your kitchen. The book is great for new vegan chefs as well as those with great experience. Best of luck with the giveaway and thanks for tuning in!

  6. I am not a vegan yet, but I’m a huge admirer. I met Kayle on an airplane recently, and I was inspired by her story. I eat all organic and consume lots of raw foods, just be choice. I’ve recently gotten really into cookbooks and would love to add something like this to my growing collection. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

    1. Hi Kristi!
      I am so honored that you took the time to find my website and blog! Thanks so much for reaching out. It sounds like Vegan-ease would be a perfect new addition to your cookbook collection; I understand that it’s a great introduction to veganism too! Good luck with the giveaway and stay in touch. Yeehaw!

    1. Sounds like a great plan Amy! Thanks for tuning in and for your support. Best of luck with the giveaway and supporting your dad!

  7. This book sounds great! I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting vegan cookbooks! Especially ones with simple recipes for quick weekday cooking.

  8. I have enjoyed a plant based diet for decades much like our laura. I am 66 going on 36and would gift this book to my son and daughter in law. Both lead very high tech stressful lives with resultant health related issues. My son especially. His wife is a wonderful cook and is willing and able to prepare these delicious healthy meals found in the new book. I helped with their first organic garden this year. With the new book they can have the whole package! Thanks

    1. That’s so great Barbara! I love meeting vegans who have been eating and enjoying the lifestyle longer than me! I hope that you’ll stay tuned for future giveaways! Thanks for your comment.

  9. CONGRATS to Karen D. who was randomly chosen as the winner of Laura’s Vegan-ease book! I’ll be sending you more details via email soon Karen. Thanks to ALL who participated!

    Yeehaw, Kayle

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