{Guest Post: Sarah De la Cruz of Fried Dandelions ~ Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats Recipe}

Happy February! <3

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, I thought a sweet recipe was in order and that’s why I asked my friend, fellow blogger, vegan, recipe and photographer extraordinaire (not to mention, a mom raising vegan kiddos!) Sarah De la Cruz of Fried Dandelions to be a guest this week. Sarah and I met briefly last year during my visit to her neck of the woods in beautiful Seattle, Washington and really hit it off. I wish we lived closer so that we could do collaborations more often!

Hanging out with Sarah at the Seattle Cookie Counter last summer.

Sarah has whipped up a healthy, simple and tasty meal that also appeals to those who have a sweet tooth. Welcome Sarah to Cowgirls & Collard Greens and thank you for creating a perfect recipe that’s sure to win over the hearts of both singles and couples alike (not to mention kids too)!

xo, Kayle


Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats are a perfect healthy convenience food to help get your mornings started off right! Bonus—they’re vegan, gluten free, and free of most other common allergens!

I’m not sure about you, but mornings are always a bit of a rush in my house. I’d like to blame my kids, but the truth is that I’ve never been much of a morning person. I like to eek out every last second of sleep, hitting the snooze button on my phone repeatedly until the inevitable freak out when I see how late it is and go scrambling out of bed to try to get my kids dressed and fed and out the door for school! If I can make breakfast ahead of time it is a major win! These Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats do the trick! They are easy to make, delicious to eat, keep you filled up ’til lunchtime, and are kid (and grown up) approved! In fact, my 6 year old calls them Strawberry Pudding!

Healthy Convenience Food

Unbelievably, I hadn’t jumped onto the overnight oats train until last year! When I first gave them a try I couldn’t believe how yummy they were, for such minimal effort. The oats get nice and soft overnight, but don’t turn into mush—they hold their texture. You can portion them out into small jars and store them in the fridge for an easy grab and go option! Basically, they are the ultimate healthy convenience food.

In this version I make a 2-for-1 swap and use strawberry jam to both flavor and sweeten the oats. You can use whatever type of jam you like—whole fruits, lightly sweetened, extra sweet—you get to be your own chef! I use a jam that is whole fruit but also sweetened a bit. I also add hemp seeds to give these oats an extra nutritious boost! Feel free to swap them for chia seeds as well, or stick to only oats if you prefer.

I hope you love these Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats! I would love to see a picture when you give them a try! Be sure to tag me on social media! {@frieddandelions // #frieddandelions}

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats


  • 1/4 c strawberry jam
  • 1/4 c hemp seeds
  • 1 c rolled oats (certified gluten free if necessary)
  • 2 c plant based milk
  • 1/2 t vanilla extract
  • 1/2 c freeze dried strawerries, optional (I like the freeze dried strawberries at Trader Joe’s!)
  • fresh strawberries for serving, optional


  • Whisk strawberry jam, milk, and vanilla together until smooth (you may still have little lumps of jam and this is fine).
  • Pour into a large storage container.
  • Add oats and hemp seeds and stir well to combine.
  • Add freeze dried strawberries and mix to incorporate.
  • Store in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Serve with fresh strawberries and enjoy! These will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Don’t forget to pin this recipe!

Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats are a perfect healthy convenience food to help get your mornings started off right! Bonus—they're vegan, gluten free, and free of most other common allergens! (vegan, gluten free, soy free, nut free)


Sarah De la Cruz is the author of the blog Fried Dandelions. Her recipes are all vegan, and many are free of common allergens as well. When she’s not creating new recipes she’s busy chasing after her two wild boys, ages 6 and 3! She has been vegan since 2012, and she and her husband are raising their boys vegan as well. Check her out on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter!

12 thoughts on “{Guest Post: Sarah De la Cruz of Fried Dandelions ~ Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats Recipe}

  1. Yay! Thank you so much Kayle for featuring my Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats! They are so delicious—which reminds me that I need to make another batch!

    1. Such an honor to have you! Your photos have to be some of THE prettiest on my website. Thank you for sharing! <3

  2. So fun that you and Sarah got to meet in person! I want another Vida Vegan Con so I can hang out my favorite bloggers again!

    1. Yesssssss! Let’s do it in 2018! Maybe we can meet in the middle(ish) of the country somewhere? Boulder, Colorado would be a great location! Let’s make it happen– it can be a casual blogger get together!

  3. I agree with Dianne! Another Vida Vegan Con is definitely in order, so that we can all hang out en masse. Or maybe we should just rendezvous in Seattle! 🙂 This overnight oats recipe looks so good. I love the addition of strawberries for sweetness!

    1. I love this recipe and appreciate how pretty it is too! Yes, Cadry! Let’s have a vegan blogger meet up next year somewhere! Where would be a good location?

    1. Yessss! Let’s do a meet up maybe next year. Where would be a good location for all the bloggers to gather?

  4. I could literally live off overnight oats. I love them. Strawberries and cream is such an awesome flavour combo for them too. And they look so pretty!

    1. I couldn’t agree more Mel! I am loving this recipe more and more by the minute! Thanks for commenting! <3

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