{Guest Post: Jenelle York of York & Spoon} ~ Balsamic Huckleberry Sauce

Jenelle & Kayle

Welcome Jenelle York of York & Spoon to Cowgirls & Collard Greens! Jenelle and I met at Natural Products Expo West last year and our vegan paths have crossed a couple of times since. I think she’s absolutely adorable and I LOVE her fashionable cruelty-free outfits and style. She’s got a great YouTube cooking channel that’s absolutely worth checking out too. Jenelle describes herself as a “Registered Dietician by day, pin-up by night and a health food promoter 24/7”. I love it!

I am thrilled to have her sharing Jenelle’s plant based recipe expertise with a perfect recipe that’s both mouthwatering and delicious! If you’re in the mood for a sweet summertime treat, you’ve come to the right place. Take it away Jenelle!


Huckleberries are a treat and if you haven’t tried them, they’re worth seeking out. They’re from the same plant family as blueberries, but produce a smaller berry with a distinct flavor. Unfortunately, they have not been commercialized, but you can find them at Farmers Markets, natural markets, or best of all, forage yourself in the mid-late summer.


One of my favorite vendors at my local Farmers Market, Rick’s Wild Mushrooms, also had a table of foraged huckleberries this week. I picked up a pint, then debated on whether to use them in a dessert, or eat them whole. Huckleberries are common in pies and cobblers, but I almost feel their beauty of lost beneath a crust.


I opted to save half & create a tasty ice cream topping with the rest. You won’t regret using your berries on top of your favorite ice cream or morning pancakes in the form of this Balsamic Huckleberry Sauce.

1 cup huckleberries (raspberries or blueberries would work too if you can’t find huckleberries)

1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 Tbsp arrowroot powder

1 Tbsp sugar

Rinse your berries & check for stems. Add berries & sugar to a small sauce pot & simmer over low heat. In a small bowl, whisk arrowroot into balsamic vinegar. Once about half the berries have popped (help them along with the back of a spoon if needed), stir in arrowroot/vinegar mixture. Let cool to thicken. If you plan to serve over ice cream, cool a bit longer so it doesn’t melt your goods, but slightly warm is delicious.

Balsamic Huckleberry Sauce


Jenelle York is a Registered Dietitian, vintage fashion addict & plant based content creator on the York & Spoon Youtube channel, www.youtube.com/yorkandspoon and corresponding website, www.yorkandspoon.com She came to veganism via health, but is motivated daily by the animals & our planet.


5 thoughts on “{Guest Post: Jenelle York of York & Spoon} ~ Balsamic Huckleberry Sauce

  1. Jenelle is incredible! I have had the pleasure of watching her culinary brilliance and fashionable videos for a while now and York & Spoon is a fantastic. Next a York & Spoon Cafe Jenelle? I am so happy you two met at Expo West. Lunch next March anyone?

    1. I still haven’t tried this recipe yet, but cannot wait to! Yes, let’s do up Expo right– lunch sounds great!

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