{Guest Post: Fettle Vegan} ~ Strawberry Coconut Fudge Recipe


It is my true honor to welcome Fettle Vegan as my guest to Cowgirls & Collard Greens this week! The dynamic duo, Amber and Alex, have completely stolen my vegan heart when it comes to recipes, photographs and all things vegan and blog-like. While they may be newer to the vegan scene they are definitely not going unnoticed, just take a look at their Press page to see all the fancy places they have been featured (PETA, VegNews and BuzzFeed just to mention a few). Woah!

Fettle Vegan focuses on the healthier side of being vegan (raw, gluten free, low sugar) and they certainly don’t skimp when it comes to quality in the foods they create or the amazing food photographs they take. I was lucky enough to meet this adorable couple earlier this year and certainly plan on our paths crossing again in the near future.  I’m so excited to share their simple Strawberry Coconut Fudge Recipe recipe; it’s a perfect end-of-summer sweet treat!

xo, Kayle


‏Hi I’m Amber, the brains over at FettleVegan.com. I’ve followed Kayle’s blog for a long time and was honored to finally meet her in person at the Vegan Beer + Food Fest in May. I’m so happy to be blogging over here today and sharing with you one of my favorite, super simple, guilt-free recipes, Strawberry Coconut Fudge! Made with a base of rich coconut butter and fresh summer strawberries, and topped off with just a touch of sweetener, this fudge is super rich and indulgent-tasting. It whips up easily and is the perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving you in a sugar rut. Plus, you can make a bunch and stash it in the freezer for long-term late-night snacking. Let’s eat!


Strawberry Coconut Fudge

‏1 cup coconut butter
‏1 cup fresh strawberries, green tops removed
‏2 tablespoons maple syrup or agave nectar
‏1/2 teaspoon vanilla (opt.)
‏Pinch of sea salt

‏In a food processor combine coconut butter, fresh strawberries, maple syrup, vanilla (if using), and salt. Process until mixture becomes creamy and whipped, then scoop mixture into a 8×8 inch lined glass baking dish, candy molds, or just into a square plastic tupperware container if that’s what you’ve got on hand. Refrigerate or freeze at least 3 hours to set, then cut into squares or pop out of candy molds ad enjoy! Tastes extra delicious with a sprinkle of shredded coconut and lasts indefinitely in the freezer. Makes about 20 one-inch squares.


Fettle Vegan is a food blog whipped up by Amber St. Peter + Alex Owens. They have a healthy appreciation for sweets and prefer keeping it simple in the kitchen- their recipes are always vegan, usually gluten-free, and sometimes raw. They live in Long Beach, California with their pitbull puppy and an overflowing cookie jar. Follow them on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Amber of Fettle Vegan