{Guest Post: Crista Lash of peace. love. quinoa.} Carrot Cake Juice Recipe

This week I welcome my new friend and fellow vegan, Crista Lash to Cowgirls & Collard Greens! Crista is a fellow vegan foodie blogger over at the adorable blog and website peace. love. quinoa. I was fortunate enough to meet Crista in person briefly at Vida Vegan Con last month in Austin, Texas. It’s my honor to have her here today sharing her original Carrot Cake Juice recipe. I don’t know about you, but with the warm summer heat, this juice sounds like a delicious treat! Welcome Crista and take it away!

 Carrot Cake Juice

Have you ever had an unforgettable meal or food item? Unforgettable tend to be colorful or beautifully presented, delightfully scrumptious, and tend to spark nostalgia every time a flashback of that meal invades your memory?

Recently, when visiting Austin with a girlfriend, she insisted on visiting an Italian restaurant that she’d eaten at years prior on a first date. She remembered the pasta she ate that night to be the best pasta she’d ever had, and couldn’t wait to re-visit the restaurant to have at it again. When we arrived, we were delighted to find that same pasta dish on the menu. As we ate, Laura reminisced the good ole days, and that date she’d been on years ago.

Every time I see a recipe or a photo for an Acai Bowl, I take an imaginary vacation back to Hawaii which is where I fell in love with acai (and my boyfriend). Despite the early morning chilly weather, we bonded over our first-time experience with nearly-frozen acai bowl topped with bananas, berries, and granola at the Green World Coffee Farm on the North Shore. It was delightful and I’d give anything to do it all over again.

When I lived in Chicago, I had the opportunity to visit beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin periodically. I loved visiting Milwaukee because of it’s beauty, culture, and foodie scene. On my last trip to Milwaukee before moving to Colorado, I stumbled upon a juice bar in the Milwaukee Public Market. I walked away with one of the most amazing juice combinations I’d ever experienced. I’ve thought about the juice concoction (appropriately named Carrot Cake Juice) several times since that day so I finally took it upon myself to re-create it at home. After putting in a little work, I’ve come up with a Carrot Cake Juice recipe that I love enough to make frequently and share.

Carrot Cake Juice

Carrot Cake Juice
  • approx 5-7 medium carrots
  • approx 2-3 oranges
  • approx 1 inch of ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
  1. Run the oranges, carrots, and ginger through a juicer.
  2. Drizzle maple syrup along the inside of a glass then pour the juice into the cup and sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy!

Carrot Cake Juice


Crista became food-obsessed after discovering and adopting a plant-based diet and decided to write a blog several requests from friends. She blogs about food, gardening, yoga, traveling, and being Colorado-obsessed at peace. love. quinoa. You can also find her on Twitter at @peacelovequinoa and on Instagram at @clashbabi.