{Guest Blog: spabettie} Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal and Six Brunch Ready Breakfasts

Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal

You know the giddy feeling you get when you find out something really exciting is happening? Like that time you were able to take a trip you’ve always wanted to go on…or that time you won some kind of really big prize? Yeah, that sort of “jump for joy” excitement mixed with butterflies in your stomach? That’s how today feels for me. Why? Because I have the honor and privilege to share my website with fellow vegan Kristina Sloggett of spabettie. I have been a long time fan of Kristina’s work– her website, blog, unique recipes as well as her beautifully crafted photographs. And, I even had the opportunity to meet her very briefly last year in person. Today as my guest, she shares her original Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal recipe as well as six additional recipes for plant based brunches (Is it the weekend already?). So without further adieu, welcome and take it away Kristina!


Weekend breakfasts are something I always look forward to – the breakfasts and brunches where you have a little more time to spend cooking, enjoying. Even if we have plans for the day, if it is not too early we will enjoy a more involved breakfast than we usually have during the week.

Sometimes it is elaborate, involving friends and multiple items and my favorite – mimosa – and other times it simply means something like an oatmeal or a pancake, that takes about five minutes more than we usually have on a week day.

A couple years ago, I was lucky enough to meet the esteemed Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and his family. One of the lessons I learned from him was to start most of your days with oatmeal. I also learned to eat steamed greens with every meal, even breakfast, but that’s another story for another day.

I have a basic – read quick – oatmeal game for weekdays. On weekends where I can be more leisurely, my oatmeal gets all kinds of flavor makeovers.

Today I am sharing with you all my Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal – tart apples and sweet caramel sauce top this rich cashew oatmeal, for a hearty breakfast you will want every weekend!

Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal


Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal

YIELD: serves two

dairy, egg, soy and gluten free, vegan


2 cups cashew milk
1 cup Gluten Free Quick Cooking Oats
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and chopped into 1/2 inch cubes
1/4 cup Date Caramel Sauce


In a saucepan over high heat, bring the milk to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, add oats and salt. Cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add apple cubes* and stir.

*I like the apples to be crunchy, so I add them after oats are fully cooked and removed from heat. Adding them earlier in the cooking process may soften them a bit.

Salted Caramel Apple Oatmeal


six perfect weekend breakfasts:

Sweet Cream Protein Pancakes

Sweet Cream Protein Pancakes

Smoked Paprika Hollandaise over Avocado Kale Florentine

Avocado Kale Florentine – Smoked Paprika Hollandaise

Sugared Chai Latte Banana Muffins

Sugared Chai Latte Banana Muffins

Croque Monsieur Waffles

Croque Monsieur Stuffed Waffles

Brunch-Perfect Baked Blueberry Custards

Brunch-Perfect Baked Blueberry Custards

Baileys and Black Tea French Toast

Baileys and Black Tea French Toast


Kristina Sloggett

During her of years building and managing resort and day spas, Kristina took culinary classes and enjoyed cooking as a hobby. Following a large spa project, she found herself in the food industry, running one of Portland’s well known delis while managing the construction of another location. There she further expanded her culinary education, and went on to combine her creative food ideas with her love of writing.

Kristina lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and dachshund, working as a food writer and recipe developer. She also shares vibrant plant based recipes and stories of travel and life in Portland on her blog, spabettie. Follow Kristina on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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