{Guest Blog: Anthony Morrocco of Morrocco Method} Why Vegan Haircare Matters

woman with bare shoulders holding vegetable

While I have yet to meet Anthony Morrocco, founder of Morrocco Method Int’l in person, I have admired his products since the moment I discovered them. Anthony has spent forty years working in the haircare profession and perfecting his holistic haircare line which is based on science as well as Ayurveda and Chinese herbalism. All of Anthony’s haircare products are raw, vegan, cruelty free, gluten free, paleo-friendly as well as wildcrafted.

Because I am a cancer survivor, I go to great lengths to ensure that all the products I use on my body are free of chemicals, vegan as well as cruelty free. Following the experience of losing all of my hair due to chemotherapy treatments, I have made great efforts to take care of my (new) hair. I have personally used Morrocco Method products as well as many of my friends and we all swear by them (click here to read more about my thoughts on Morrocco Method from a blog post I wrote earlier this year). They may take a little time to get used to, as Anthony’s products do not contain any highly used chemicals, they are straight from nature. Using these shampoos and conditioners are a perfect way to detoxify from the harsh ingredients in everyday haircare products and are a perfect way to get on the healthy hair bandwagon. 

Today I welcome Anthony Morrocco to Cowgirls & Collard Greens to share a little about why vegan haircare makes a difference. Thank you for being here and take it away Anthony!

Yeehaw, Kayle xo


Vegan hair care? The concept might sound confusing to most people. Veganism only has to do with food, right? Well, not exactly…

Veganism is more than what we put on our plates; it’s a way of life. And while food is an important part of it, we must also be mindful of what we’re putting on our hair. Vegan hair care products not only support the vegan lifestyle but are also the key to healthy, vibrant hair.


Here are a few reasons why vegan hair care matters:

1. Our skin is a living organ (the human body’s largest organ), and it absorbs nutrients, as well as anything else we put on it. In fact, up to 70% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed into our bloodstream. The health of your scalp is crucial to the strength and vibrancy of your hair. You wouldn’t want your scalp absorbing any of the many chemicals found in modern shampoos.

2. Modern shampoos are dense with chemicals that coat your hair, rather than heal it. The worst offender is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, or SLS. This ingredient is found in almost every shampoo you see at the supermarket. SLS works by coating your hair in a fine layer of silicon, resulting in the look of healthy hair. But underneath all that shine the hair is actually becoming increasingly damaged.

3. Many of the materials used in modern hair and body care are also bad for the environment. The plastics and chemicals found in shampoos find their way into rivers, lakes and our oceans where they enter our water supply or are consumed by fish and other animals.


MMAnthony Anthony Morrocco is the founder of vegan hair care company, Morrocco Method Int’l. His company philosophy is simple: use only raw, vegan and 100% natural ingredients, as they are the key to restoring health. Morrocco Method has been certified as cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny Organization.

You can stay in touch with Morrocco Method at any of their social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or Instagram.