Cowgirl Chunky Monkey Vegan Ice ‘Cream’



  • 2 organic bananas
  • 1/4 cup vegan chocolate chips or  chop up your favorite vegan dark chocolate bar
  • vanilla extract or vanilla bean

1. Remove peels and freeze 2 bananas overnight or for several hour.

2. Place frozen bananas and a Tablespoon of liquid vanilla extract in a high powered blender such as a Vitamix.  Blend on high until bananas are creamy and there are no chunks.

3. Remove mixture from blender and place in a medium sized bowl.

4. Slowly add in chocolate chips (or chocolate chunks from your favorite vegan chocolate bar) and stir/mix together in bowl.

5. Place ice ‘cream’ into your favorite bowl or if you’re sassy like me, your favorite cocktail glass!

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