Book Review: Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur

Living the Farm Sanctuary Life

On April 7th, 2015 an extraordinary thing happened. Gene Baur co-founder and President of Farm Sanctuary released a new book entitled Living the Farm Sanctuary Life. A triathlete, vegan, animal activist and overall compassionate human being, Gene has (practically) dedicated his life to ensuring that the lives of others are cared for. He’s an incredible spokesperson for animals and models a life I believe we all should try to attain.

The birth of Living the Farm Sanctuary Life is of special interest to me, not only because of the topic, but also because I have two recipes in the book (pages 133 and 292). I was beyond honored when Gene personally contacted me last year about submitting a few recipes. His goal for the book was to make plant based living easy, accessible, and fun. And after getting a copy of the book myself, I can assure you that it truly is all of those things and more.

I attended one of Gene's Book Tour stops at the Book Passage on 4/11/15 in Corte Madera, CA.
I attended one of Gene’s Book Tour stops at the Book Passage on 4/11/15 in Corte Madera, CA.

Living the Farm Sanctuary Life showcases truly happy animals living out their lives peacefully shown through color photographs and wonderful accounts of their heroic rescues. The book also clearly lays out the ways in which we can make a difference in the world and in the lives of animals through our food choices. Gene shares his “Five Tenets” that can help each of us live more harmoniously together.

Additionally, the book includes 100 delicious and easy-to-make plant based recipes from personal friends of Gene’s to vegan chefs, bloggers (like me!) and celebrities like musician Moby. Recipes vary from breakfasts, salads, soups, appetizers/sides, entrees and desserts. Each recipe is unique yet basic and I can guarantee, delicious. If you are new to plant based eating, the book outlines helpful ways to get started in creating a vegan kitchen. Imagine starting off your day with a No-Egg French Omelet Souffle, noshing on some “Buttermilk” Cauliflower bites before moving on to Mushroom and Artichoke Heart Ricotta for dinner. Oh, and don’t forget the dessert; finish off your day with my own recipe (a veganized version of what used to be my favorite dairy ice cream, Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey) “Cowgirl Up Chunky Monkey” which includes frozen bananas, walnuts and chocolate chunks and literally takes just a few minutes to make (see page 292).

Living the Farm Sanctuary Life would make a great gift to those who are veg-curious, vegetarians and those of us who are longtime plant eaters as well. The book which just released earlier this month, is now available online on Amazon. It is a great reminder to make good choices that will not only better our bodies in health, but also help the animals alongside making the planet a better place for all.


I’d like to personally thank Gene Baur for inviting me to be a small part of this book. I am truly honored. I thank Gene for his incredible hard work not only on this new book but also for his endless years of dedication and for all that he does to inspire others to follow in his footsteps. May we all be reminded through his amazing stewardship that small changes indeed make a difference. I hope you’ll all consider purchasing a copy of this wonderful book.


5 thoughts on “Book Review: Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur

    1. I agree! But Gene Baur for US president does have a nice ring to it! We can dream, right?

  1. I have contacted the Charlie Rose show and asked that they have Mr Baur on as a guest – for an hour. I did not hear back but I hope that they may find this of interest. I would love to see him discuss his work with Charlie in this format. Just ordered a copy of the book and a couple for gifts. Cant wait to read it and your recipes. Tks.

    1. That’s a great idea Kathryn! Fingers crossed the show will invite Gene on the show to educate people about the horrific conditions in which animals are treated and kept for food. Gene is a real inspiration with all of his personal and animal advocacy experience. It’s a real honor to be featured in his latest book!

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