Book Review & GIVEAWAY: The Forks Over Knives Plan

FOKPlanKayleBookWhat better time to think about what you’re eating and your health than during the holidays. For those of you who celebrate, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that you’re thankful and grateful for. Being a breast cancer survivor, I am reminded daily of my blessings including having my health. Cancer taught me to rethink what I was putting in and on my body as well as the thoughts I was engaging with in my head. Cancer also gave me the gift of a new outlook on life including my lifestyle and diet.

The 2011 film Forks Over Knives has been one of the most profound films on the vegan and plant based diet movement. Unlike other “vegan” films, this film focuses on the hard medical facts of the many benefits of eating plants in their whole natural form. The documentary focuses on scientific research showing that leaving meat, dairy, eggs and highly refined foods off your plate can prevent and sometimes even reverse disease. I have heard many anecdotes and stories of friends who switched to a plant based diet after watching the convincing film. In fact, my own sister who is a Registered Nurse found the film so convincing that she went plant based (for a short time) after watching the film. In my opinion, there’s not much one can doubt after learning the many health benefits, not to mention the environmental or ethical benefits, of a plant based diet.

Authors Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman, both featured in the Forks Over Knives documentary, have created a new book called The Forks Over Knives Plan: How to Transition to the Life-Saving, Whole-Food , Plant-Based Diet which focuses on creating a healthful transition to plant based foods through a step-by-step plan over a course of four weeks. Each person transitions to new things at their own pace and on their own time. For me, I cut out sugar, wheat, dairy and eggs practically overnight after learning of my breast cancer diagnosis, but for others, it may take more time. The Forks Over Knives Plan is set up to help make the needed steps to change one’s diet over a well thought out and planned month. Whether you’re a newbie to the plant based foods movement or just want to eat healthier to promote wellness, The Forks Over Knives Plan is a great book to review and add to your collection. Here’s the rundown on the book:

  • Week 1 you’ll start with breakfast, learning how to stock your refrigerator to help support this new way of eating.
  • Week 2 you’ll move on to lunch, and learn the basics of meal planning to keep you on track.
  • Week 3 you’ll reimagine dinner, and find out how to combat cravings. And by …
  • Week 4 you’ll master all the tricks and tips you’ll need for the long haul, including how to eat on the go and how to snack healthily.

The three hundred page book book also includes over 100 recipes which will keep anyone on track for a healthy lifestyle. I decided to try one of the delicious recipes from the book, the Multigrain Pancakes (page 141).



Multigrain Pancakes with Fresh Berries (makes about 12 pancakes)

Pancake dry ingredients
Pancake ingredients


1 1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour

1/4 cup cornmeal or other whole-grain flour

1/4 cup rolled oats

1 tablespoon aluminum-free baking powder

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

1 3/4 cups unsweetened, unflavored plant milk

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, plus more for serving if desired

1 cup fresh berries or sliced strawberries, for serving (I used bananas as that’s what I had)

Apple butter for serving (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit

2. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cornmeal, oats baking powder, salt, cinnamon & nutmeg until well combined. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add the plant milk, applesauce & maple syrup. Gently fold the ingredients together just until incorporated. Do not overmix; the batter will be lumpy.

Pancake dry ingredients
Pancake dry ingredients
Creating the pancake mix
Creating the pancake mix

3. Heat a griddle or a large nonstick pan over medium heat until a few droplets of water dropped in the pan jump & sizzle.

4. Spoon 1/3 cup batter for each pancake onto the pan until no more will fit. Cook 3 to 4 minutes until the edges look dry and bottoms are crisp and lightly browned. Using a spatula, turn the pancakes over and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more. Transfer the pancakes to a heatproof platter and place in the oven to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter.

5. Serve the pancakes topped with fruit (I used banana since that’s what I had handy) and a little maple syrup or apple butter.

Ready to eat!
Ready to eat!

And now for the fun part, the GIVEAWAY! I am giving away one copy of The Forks Over Knives Plan to one person (US residents only). To enter, please:

1. Sign up for my blog:

2. Share a comment below as to what you find most intriguing about The Forks Over Knives Plan and why it would make a great addition to your cookbook collection.

That’s it! A random winner will be chosen on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 12:00pm PST and will be contacted via email. If you prefer to purchase your own copy of the book click here.

As always thank you for tuning in. Wishing each of you a compassionately delicious plant based Thanksgiving!

Yeehaw, Kayle


All photos courtesy of Faye White Photography

28 thoughts on “Book Review & GIVEAWAY: The Forks Over Knives Plan

  1. Wow, this book looks great! I am hoping to begin offering vegan lifestyle coaching/education soon, and this book looks like it would be a great resource for my clients.

    1. How exciting Ann! I think this would be the perfect book to use as a reference for your clients. Good luck!

  2. Hi! I like that the plan is set in stages. I started my journey about two years ago and still eat eggs and occasionally lamb. I would like to freshen up my recipe base and eliminating meat for good!

    1. This book sounds like a perfect gift for someone who is thinking about transitioning over to a plant based whole-food way of living. I think the most intriguing thing about having this Forks Over Knives book around would be having something easy to understand, at the ready, to share with friends and family. GREAT REVIEW!!

      1. Thanks Pat! I think this book is perfect for transitioning to more plant based foods and a great one to share with those who are veg curious! Good luck!

  3. Prior vegetarian of almost 20 years here and December marks my 2 year Veganversary! The “Forks over Knives” documentary was one of the many educational informational tools that helped me with my conversion. I would love to add this book to my collection and share the idea of a plan with my loved ones who are omnivorous. Being able to offer structure while switching to plant based lifestyle can cause ease and comfort to an individual.

    1. Indeed, Sarah! I totally agree. This book, like the documentary, just might be the best way to lead others to follow a plant based diet. Good luck!

  4. I watched Forks Over Knives because a 3 years old cancer survive’s mom told me that when the girl was diagnosed with the disease, they complety changed the way they eat after watch the movie and their live changed. The girl got over really fast! I’m from Spain and we eat a lot of meat, cheese and I know it’s not good that’s why I would love to change it 🙂

    1. This book is a great way to transition into eating more plant based foods for sure. This book, like the film, I think is going to change and influence many lives!

  5. My teenage daughter chose to be a vegetarian without knowing a lot about nutrition, so as she is going away to college next year I wonder if I have taught her enough to eat right on her own. So I want to start a collection of cookbooks and nutrition information to use now and send along with her next fall.

    1. That’s a great idea Shari! I LOVE that you are collecting cookbooks for your daughter to eat healthfully in college. Good luck!

  6. I just showed this to my parents! They are slowly in the process of switching to a vegan lifestyle! They have gone plant based 5 days a week and switch rout their personal care products for ones not tested on animals. When I’m home from school we cook together a lot and I would love to continue fostering their growing interest with this cookbook. I think it’s perfect for them as they are taking it step by step. And cooking together has been a great way to introduce not only my parents but other family to a different way of living.

    1. That’s so great that your parents have made the change! I wish my family would too. This book would be perfect to keep them inspired and eating healthfully. Good luck Sarah!

  7. I loved the movie and recommend it to people who want to improve their health. I am always looking for new plant powered recipes, and I’m sure this will be a great book for me and to share with friends and family!

    1. Indeed Julia, The Forks Over Knives Plan is packed with plant powered recipes and a great one to share with friends and family!

  8. I would love to add this book my my small collections. I think even the best of us struggle at times with ensuring the bulk of our diet is whole plant foods & less convenience.

  9. Enjoyed the Forks Over Knives documentary, hosted a movie-theatre screening when it was first released, & have purchased DVDs for friends and family as gifts & used as teaching tools. Even have a copy of Dr. Pulde & Dr. Lederman’s book, Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole, and have shared those rećipes. Having the Forks Over Knives Plan book would help me help more people explore plant-based eating as a way of life, and give me more recipes to share for good-tasting, good for you food. We are what we eat.

    1. Indeed we are what we eat! I think this book makes a great addition to any cookbook collection and inspires us to eat more plant based foods and share recipes with others.

  10. Wow, these look really good. This is my second day of the plant based lifestyle and I am so amazed at the variety of foods out there. It certainly is not as restrictive as I always perceived. Two questions…do you need both pastry flour and corn meal/whole grain or can I get away with all whole wheat pastry flour? Second, are these any good reheated? I was thinking of whipping up a batch on Saturday, but maybe we could reheat them on Sunday too if we are feeling lazy…

    1. I wish that I could be of help with this, but I simply just followed the cookbook instructions. And yes, they are great reheated! I have frozen them and reheated them for later. Hope that helps! Enjoy!

  11. I became interested in plant-based eating about half a year ago when I visited a farm during the Piedmont Farm Tour in North Carolina, and they gave a vegan food demo where they made cashew cheese! It was SO good that I started looking up other vegan recipes, and watched the “Forks Over Knives” documentary (and other good documentaries). The F.O.K. plan seems really healthy, and I’d love to have the recipes to use for dinners since I cook every night!

  12. I have been craving pancakes and been wondering how to make them without eggs. Planning on making these very soon.

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