Book Review: Dave Loves Chickens by Carlos Patino (a veg-friendly children’s book) + Video

9652It’s been quite some time since I have written a book review and never have I posted about a children’s book before. I am excited to share with you Dave Loves Chickens, written and illustrated by Carlos Patino, a book with a compassionate theme. Vegan-friendly children’s books are very much on the rise, and Dave Loves Chickens is one of several that are on my radar. Not a brand new book, Dave Loves Chickens was published in 2013 by my friends over at Vegan Publishers. For all of you vegan or meat-free parents and families, this book is one you might consider adding to your book collection!


Dave Loves Chickens is a journey through the eyes of Dave, a bright colored, three-eyed lovable monster from a far away planet. Dave adores his animal friends (enjoys a “meatless diet”) and is very perplexed at the idea that people on Earth eat their fellow earthlings. In particular, Dave is most confused why chickens, an animal he has grown particularly fond of, ends up on the plates of humans. Dave not only just shares his love of chickens, but also goes to great lengths to show that chickens are not worthy of eating. The book is written in an easy to understand way that is very relatable to young children all the while incorporating fun and uplifting ways that humans can treat animals in a compassionate way. The book is playful and has and upbeat almost whimsical way about it with it’s bright characters and imagery. It has a way of getting the message across without focusing on the grim realities that many farmed animals go through before they end up on our plates.

Check out this short video that Vegan Publishers put together– it’s a great preview of the book!

Even though I don’t have any children of my own, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this lighthearted, colorful, and easy to understand book. It’s a great way for parents to introduce (or reconfirm) a compassionate way to live and treat animals.

Dave Loves Chickens makes a great gift for vegan parents or parents-to-be. You can purchase a hardcover copy of Dave Loves Chickens for $12.74 here. Be sure to keep in touch with Vegan Publishers and all the great vegan books that they are making available for both children and adults!


All photos by Brian Denton