Betty Goes Vegan Cookbook Review & GIVEAWAY

In honor of the quickly approaching holidays and the season of giving, I’m holding my very first * GIVEAWAY * right here at Cowgirls & Collard Greens. Yeehaw!

I can’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate being a vegan foodie than through the Betty Goes Vegan cookbook by Annie & Dan Shannon. Inspired by that good ol’ thick Betty Crocker cookbook we all grew up with, Betty Goes Vegan is quite simply, a veganized version. This is not your average vegan cookbook, nope. It includes 500 mouth-watering recipes ranging from Baked Vegan Chicken, Easy Waffles, Vegan Shrimp Scampi to a Salted Caramel Latte Cheesecake. This book even includes some of my favorite pre-vegan childhood recipes like deviled eggs.


After scouring through its many pages, I have decided that Betty Goes Vegan has officially won over my little vegan wannabe-chef’s heart (and it won over the hearts of the lovely folks at VegNews too as the book was just named “Cookbook of the Year” this week!). With so many recipes to chose from, anyone who explores this cookbook is sure to find many enjoyable recipes to create. This is a perfect book for those like me, who are challenged in the kitchen (anyone can follow a recipe, right?). And it’s great for those powered by plants, for the veg curious as well as omnivores. It will leave you wanting to turn the next page to see what other unbelievable recipes can be veganized!

The recipes are fascinating, interesting, tasty and they will most certainly leave your belly full, not to mention, the fact that meat lovers will be well satisfied too! And, everyone will appreciate the humorous nature in which it’s written. Be sure to put this cookbook at the top of your holiday shopping or wish list! If you just can’t wait, you can go ahead and click here to get yourself a copy right now!

Part of my inspiration for wanting to share this book with all of you is because the book is fairly new to the vegan cookbook scene; it hit bookstore shelves earlier this year. And secondly, I met the authors of the book this summer! Yup. I officially “Met the Shannon’s” in New York City at the Will Travel for Vegan Food party and benefit for Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary this past August. You can learn more about The Shannon’s by visiting their website at:


Meeting the Shannon's NYC style!
Meeting the Shannon’s NYC style!


And now for the GIVEAWAY rules:


There are two simple steps.

1. Please sign up to join my blog on my website: (both name and email address must be provided).

2. Leave a comment below on why you’d like a copy of the book. Do you need a little vegan culinary inspiration? Need some help convincing your family that vegan meals are really delicious? Or perhaps you are just curious about cooking and baking with plants? Do tell…the cowgirl wants to know!

Other giveaway notes:

1. One random winner will be chosen on December 5, 2013 and will be notified by email. If winner does not respond within a week with their name and US mailing address, another name will be chosen.

2. Book postage is included (US mailing address only) to the winner.

3. Giveaway is open to US residents only.


Giddy up on over and sign up for my blog (if you haven’t already) and leave me a comment below. Thanks for entering, yeehaw and good luck!

xo, Kayle


139 thoughts on “Betty Goes Vegan Cookbook Review & GIVEAWAY

  1. About a month ago, I adopted a vegan way of eating and I absolutely love it! I have been checking cookbooks out of the library like crazy and trying all sorts of different dishes. I would love to start cooking my way through Betty Goes Vegan (and I am sure my library ladies would appreciate the break!)

    1. Congrats on going vegan Rachel! The Betty Goes Vegan cookbook is sure to fit your culinary recipe needs. With over 500 recipes there’s something for everyone. Good luck!

  2. I grew up with my mother cooking out of the Betty Crocker cookbook! I love to cook for family, friends, & co-workers (although they won’t eat it ‘ vegan? – yuck’) & use food to educate anyone who will listen that food can be delicious AND healthy!

    1. Several people have posted here they they too grew up with the original Betty Crocker cookbook. The reason I love this book so much is that it is so vast in variety of recipes and I guarantee that even though the recipes are vegan they are DELISH (I’m willing to bet that your friends, family and co-workers won’t be saying “yuck” after a homemade healthy recipe from this incredible book)!

  3. Hi,
    I’m recently new at “cooking” this way and am at a loss on how to prepare meals for my family! After years of traditional Lasagna, burgers, tacos, etc, what does a mom feed her hungry husband and kids (or guests even!).
    Since being diagnosed with breast cancer I have a fire within me to learn to eat cleaner and feed my body well.
    Thank you !

    1. This would be the perfect cookbook for you Star! It covers all the traditional recipes we all love and enjoy that are much healthier to the animal ingredient alternatives. Good luck! <3

  4. A little over two years ago I sold or donated nearly everything I owned – including my beloved vegan cookbooks. I’m currently house sitting for some vegan friends and have spent a good chunk of my time just flipping through their impressive vegan cookbook collection. I would like a copy of Betty Goes Vegan in order to start rebuilding my once robust vegan cookbook collection. 🙂

    1. This is THE book to start your vegan cookbook rebuild Kristin! Just this week it won “Cookbook of the Year” by VegNews! It’s THE cookbook of all vegan cookbooks in my humble opinion. Yeehaw!

  5. I have been eating a lot more raw and vegan lately since I gave up gluten about 8 months ago. My husband is a meat water though and he often does not fully enjoy my vegan meals. I need some inspiration! It will be easier for me to keep going more and more vegan if I can feed him too!

  6. i want this cookbook very badly especially for my non vegan teenager who lives on more junk food then I would like…Great Picture too

  7. Because I have been drooling over the recipes everyone has posted for months now yet do not know why I still haven’t bought myself a copy. lol They all look heavenly and I really want to start making some.

  8. Hi Kayle,

    Yay for giveaways! I’ve heard great things about this cook book! I love cookbooks. I have more cookbooks in my house than novels or magazines. I love looking through them and getting inspired! There is always room for more on my shelf. And yes, recipes for the classic foods are a great way to help convert or simply open others eyes!

    1. Yay for giveaways is right Marisa! I’d love for you to have this book to ad to your cookbook collection!

  9. I’d like to win a copy of the book because I’m always looking for vegan recipes that will convince my kids that this way of eating is enjoyable.

    1. Emmy,
      Kids, husbands, family, friends and coworkers will all turn heads after a healthy, homemade, vegan meal created from this cookbook! Guaranteed!

  10. I’m a vegan and absolutely LOVE to cook. This would be well used and well loved in my home. I love creating dishes and sharing them on social media with my non-vegan friends and family. They’re always so shocked! 🙂

    1. This book will be the shock of all shockers I think Chelsey! I look forward to hearing your non-vegan friends and family’s responses after a homecooked, healthy, delicious meal from Betty Goes Vegan. Yeehaw and good luck!

    1. Lisa, Betty Goes Vegan will pull you right out of your rut! Best of luck with the giveaway and for entering. Yeehaw!

  11. I have checked this book out of my library so many times, they won’t let me anymore LOL – excellent recipes with good directions and very tasty results. Not all vegan cookbooks are alike ! This is just great home comfort food and as a vegan, I appreciate that cuisine !

    1. If you win there will be no more library check-outs for you Barbara! No two vegan cookbooks are alike that’s for sure! Thanks for entering and stay tuned here for more fun vegan info right here on Cowgirls & Collard Greens. Yeehaw!

  12. keeping a major health change sustainable in our house means keeping it interesting and introducing new recipes. We could use all the inspiration we can get and this book can certainly help us

  13. my husband and I started this diet over a year ago. Our eyes have finally been opened and we’ve never been happier or healthier. We are now proud parents of my one year old, but its hard for me to get him to eat our vegan meals and I would like a book that can put me in a helpful direction to be able to try new things and maybe find that one special meal he adores. This will be the first Christmas he’s able to open his own Christmas presents. I hope to make a good traditional meal in a healthy way. Thank you! Happy holidays!

    1. Ashton, congrats on your new lifestyle change to veganism! I always feel warm inside when I hear of vegan babies! YAY! It sounds like Betty Goes Vegan would be a great help to you and your family. Best of luck with the giveaway and thanks for entering!

  14. I grew up with this cookbook… when I moved out my mother got me my own copy, the “new” version which included vegetarian recipes…. I have recently converted to vegetarian (finally) and have been considering making the final dive to vegan… This is just too perfect 🙂 Hope I win! Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. I’d love for you to enjoy this even “newer” version of the Betty Crocker cookbook Sarah! Fingers crossed and yeehaw!

  15. I saw Vegucated and decided to stop eating meat&dairy products. I realized I just get my recipes on the Internet. I need a vegan cookbook and this is my chance! 🙂

    1. Diana that’s great news! Forks Over Knives has been a profound film for the animals and for many moving towards a plant-based diet. Congrats! This book will fill you up with delicious recipes that’s for sure. Best of luck with the giveaway!

  16. I recently became a vegetarian and I’m transitioning to veganism. I want to sneakily feed my family vegan foods to convince them that they will not die without animal products! I too am a foodie and I WANT this book! 🙂

    1. Congrats on your move to becoming a vegetarian (I thank you, the planet thanks you, and so do the animals!). Betty Goes Vegan is THE cookbook of all vegan cookbooks, in my eyes. And, it will indeed help you “sneak” delicious food onto your family’s dinner plates!

  17. Been vegan about 11 months but still yet to convince my family, most friends and partner that vegan food can be just as hearty and delicious as omnivorous meals! This cookbook might fix that!

    1. This book indeed will fix the views of your family and partner for sure! I still can’t believe how many amazing recipes are in the book…and so many traditional favorites as well. I’m willing to bet that your family will be surprised once you create a dish from Betty Goes Vegan. They might be surprised when you tell them that you created a meal that’s just as delicious as what their taste buds are used to (and that it indeed is vegan)!

  18. Yes, we need some inspiration! Hubby and I went vegan a year and a half ago, and we are stuck in a rut with the same meals. We need some new ideas. Thanks so much for the chance 🙂

    1. Tanya, Betty Goes Vegan is SURE to get you and your hubby out of the vegan rut you’re in! It’s truly an incredible addition to any household. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  19. I have a Texan meat lovin husband, and would love to find some recipes that are familiar to him, but are healthy for both of us. If I can get him on board we can eat together more regularly and I can feel good about what I cook for him. Thanks for writing the cookbook!

    1. Rachel, I assure you that this book will only support your “meat-lovin” hubby! I hope for the sake of health, the animals that you can convince your husband to join you in more healthy eating. And for the record, I didn’t write the book myself, Annie and Dan Shannon wrote it, but I am gifting it to spread the vegan love around in spirit of giving.

  20. Survived two cancer surgeries, 15 years out, Now 65 and Vegan for 2 years, life changing for me, practicing yoga, bicycling, Vegan changed my life, and saved a lot of animals, this would be a perfect companion for me.

    1. Larry, I have to say that your comment stole my little cancer-cowgirl vegan heart! It’s heartwarming to learn of other cancer survivors, like myself, who have truly taken their health into their own hands! Yeehaw for you! Wishing you luck that this book finds its way into your hands.

  21. I have been a vegetarian for 1 1/2 years and I would like to become vegan and definitely need some inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway, by the way.

    1. You bet Donna! Thanks for following along and for entering the giveaway. Stay tuned here for more awesome vegan recipes, product and restaurant reviews, etc. Best of luck with the giveaway!

  22. I would LOVE to win the give away!! We are a vegetarian family of 5 with 3 young kiddos. We are doing our best to make the move to vegan…cheese is our biggest struggle. The kids all LOVE cheese and I am still figuring out ways to cook great tasting meals that satisfy their little mouths and bellies without cheese. smile…Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. Stacey, cheese is often the very last thing “to go” when transforming to a vegan diet. Have you tried making your own cheese (nut based) or purchasing some of the popular non-dairy cheese like Daiya or Follow My Heart? They can make the transition much easier and they’re delicious! Best of luck with the giveaway!

  23. I love vegan cookbooks! I would like one that will help me create culinary inspirations for my omnivore husband. Betty Goes Vegan totally fits the bill!

  24. I actually have the original Betty Crocker cookbook that I received from my mom when I first became an adult. I do turn to it on occasion but am usually frustrated by having to veganize as I go. I love so many of the recipes from Meet the Shannons, so I’d love to have Betty Goes Vegan.

    1. Courtney, this would be a nice “revamped” addition to your original Betty Crocker cookbook and it’s ALREADY veganized. Yeehaw and good luck!

  25. (This may be double post) Hi Do you believe in “things happen for a reason”? Your ad just appeared on my FB page today after a conversation about vegan cooking came up THIS morning with my spouse Helene! She and I are both horse trainers living the life in North Country NY and we recently watched the movie “Vegucated” with our kids. 🙂 It made a huge impact on us than I thought it would! I’ve been border line vegetarian for years and feel better without red meat, but my spouse not so, until the movie! She has also been working in our local health food store’s deli and has been learning how to make vegan food. I have not seen your book in their library, and I’m sure if you pick us to receive this book you are giving away, she would share the love! Haha! I’ve never entered a “contest” like this! Off to read more on your FB page. PICK ME!!! ~Nicky

    1. Nicky,

      I sure do believe that “things happen for a reason,” ab-so-lute-ly! What a fun story you shared! I did not write the book however, Annie & Dan Shannon did and WOW did they ever do an amazing job! In fact, it took them over 3 years to reproduce this vegan version of Betty Crocker. So cool! A lot of folks have found themselves making changes to live a more plant-based lifestyle after watching movies like Vegucated. Have you seen Forks Over Knives? Be sure to check that one out too! Best of luck in the giveaway! Stay tuned here on my blog for more fun vegan info (and sometimes horsey stuff too). Yeehaw to you and yours from NorCal!

    1. This book will definitely provide you with gobs of vegan alternatives to your favorite traditional foods. Thanks for entering and good luck. Yeehaw!

  26. Hi! I am a college student and have just begun the vegan journey. I eat almost 75-80% vegan but I am looking to be 100% vegan in the next year or so. The hardest part for me hasn’t been eating vegan food or resisting traditional food at all because I absolutely love eating vegan but I live with 5 other people who are vegan-doubtful. This cookbook would be a great way for me to show them that anything can made vegan and delicious! Butter, eggs, cream and other traditional ingredients are not necessary to make food taste amazing and I hope to show that to my roommates 🙂

    1. Abhi congrats on your vegan journey! Indeed this cookbook would make a great addition to your household to help convince the vegan-doubtful. Good luck!

    1. Christine, indeed this book is probably more than the perfect combo of veganism and comfort food! It would make an awesome addition to anyone’s cookbook collection, but particularly for someone who has a family member who’s new to plant-based foods. Yeehaw and good luck!

  27. I would love to own a copy of this cook book! I started to cook vegan for myself a little less than a year ago, and since then I lost weight and feel great! My goal is to show others how easy and delicious it is to cook healthy. Every time I get a new cook book I like to make things for friends and family, and also the people I work with. So far people have really enjoyed the food that I have made for them, but I think they are looking to try something new now and I am too! Everyone that knows me will thank you if you send this copy to me 🙂

    1. Thanks for sharing your transition and stories Jill! Indeed this book is one hunk of vegan love in the kitchen that’s for sure! Its recipes are sure to knock the socks off of your friends, family and coworkers. No joke! Best of luck and thanks for entering!

  28. I went vegan a little over a year ago. I love trying new recipes and cooking in the kitchen. I would also love it if my family would go vegan as well.

    1. Congrats on your move to veganism Tara! I believe this book will most definitely change the thoughts of those around us who don’t believe that vegan foods taste good. This book might be the catalyst for some change to occur in your household. Hope so! Best of luck and yeehaw!

  29. I would love to win this cookbook because I just recently started a vegetarian lifestyle. My husband and 4 kids haven’t made the change yet. I’m hoping with this cook book they will FINALLY accept a healthier choice!

    1. Meranda, this cookbook might be the perfect addition to your family to make some healthful changes! Best of luck with the giveaway!

    1. I do too Sarah C! Betty Goes Vegan should certainly be tops in your kitchen, it is in mine. Yeehaw!

  30. I’ve been vegetarian (90% vegan) for about 4 years now and primarily cook at home. As my mom is getting older and facing a few more health issues, I’ve been encouraging organic and sustainable plant based meals and have introduced it more and more into our household since she lives with us now. Giving up animal products has been a bit tough, although she reacts with disdain to the plight of animal suffering, so there’s a vegan at heart in there waiting to come out. A cookbook that features Betty Crocker, someone she can identify with from her generation of cooking may be just the thing to accept a vegan diet with meat alternatives, or atleast move in that direction. If Betty’s cooking it, then it must be all right! LOL! Of course, I’d share!

    1. If Betty’s in the kitchen then it MUST be alright is so true! Thanks for sharing your story Tina! I love that you are helping your mother along in her aging process by offering up healthy plant-based foods! As a cancer survivor, one thing I always tell people is that “vegetables aren’t going to hurt you” so the more the merrier…dish them up! Best of luck with the giveaway and thanks for entering!

  31. I’ve been vegan for over a year now and am looking to broaden my diet, now that I have a better idea of what I’m doing. I’ve seen the reviews of this book and it looks terrific! I love to cook, but even before becoming vegan I was, well, baking challenged. I’m hoping Betty Goes Vegan might help me out with that.

    1. Ann, yes the reviews of the book are fantastic! In fact, VegNews just announced this week that Betty Goes Vegan is the “Cookbook of the Year” for 2013. Yeehaw! This book will surely help you out with your challenges in the kitchen and will most definitely widen your diet choices as well. Good luck!

  32. Already subscribed! I’ve got some very exciting things coming up in 2014 (may include media appearances), and now that I’ve had a proper 5 year hiatus from intense sports, it’s time to get lean and healthy! Bring on the vegan treats! 🙂

    1. Yeehaw to that sister Jackie! Congrats on your upcoming project(s) and best of luck with your new healthful regime. Yeehaw!

  33. There are 3 chefs in my family and I would love to share recipes from this cookbook to inspire them to cook more vegan food 🙂

    1. I believe this cookbook goes beyond inspiring! I am still amazed that there’s a recipe for Deviled Eggs! Love it. Here’s to the chefs in your family and to vegan recipe inspiration!

  34. Hi there!! I just changed to the vegan way of life about 2 weeks ago and I love it!!! Already I’ve found so many new ways to incorporate tasty foods into my diet and would love the chance to get some great ideas from this book!!!

    1. Congrats on your new life change to veganism! Yes, indeed vegan food is tasty, contrary to popular belief. Thanks for entering and good luck!

  35. I like to experiment with vegan cooking and I have a very annoyingly picky family when it comes
    to vegan food. Also of course this would be a great addition to my collection of vegan cookbooks. I never win anything but sure why not. 🙂

    1. I didn’t used to win things either, but I think things have turned around for me because I actually won a vegan cookbook last week online! So don’t give up! Betty Goes Vegan is sure to not only be a GREAT addition to your current collection of cookbooks, but it will also help with those picky eaters as well. Best of luck!

  36. I would love to win this book cause i’m new to being vegan and need a little vegan culinary inspiration so i can learn more on cooking vegan .

    1. Good luck Maria! This book is sure to knock your vegan culinary inspiration to a whole new level. Thanks for entering!

  37. I became plant based when I was diagnosed with a heart blockage two years ago. I was scheduled for surgery but cancelled when I was told about reversing it through diet. I’m doing great now – but I’ve never been much of a cook and need some big help in that department. This looks good!

    1. Being a two-time breast cancer survivor, I love hearing stories like yours Penelope. My story is very similar to yours. It took a life threatening illness to get me in the kitchen. Betty Goes Vegan is sure to be a huge help and inspiration in the culinary department! Yeehaw!

  38. I am a mother of 6, and have also, like Betty, battled cancer twice and won using a plant based diet! I will not…cannot be a meat and dairy Kansas girl, again!

    1. Trisha, your story sounds a lot like mine. I am a two-time breast cancer survivor and was living in Oklahoma when I was diagnosed on my grandparents cattle ranch. I became a vegan while living there. It took a life-threatening illness to get me into the kitchen to create healthful and yummy plant-based meals. My diagnosis was over 5 years ago so I am living proof that I am still going strong; sounds like you are doing well too. Yeehaw and cheers to you!

  39. I am trying to go vegan but it is really hard here in L.A. I don’t have a yard so I can grow my own plants yet and you never know what you are getting at the grocery stores. I recently started shopping at small farmers markets but in L.A even those are becoming unreliable. The main issue I am facing is using all the produce I buy before it goes bad because it seems like all the recipes online are either on a website you have to pay for or they include non-vegan ingredients so I give up and just explore with what I have in the cupboards.

    I am also unemployed and the recipes I do come across require a lot of ingredients that I don’t have yet and that makes it hard to make anything new.

    I would really love this book for a couple of reasons. 1. It would be my very first cookbook and who doesn’t want a Betty Crocker to be there first! 2. I wouldn’t have to keep searching on the internet for unreliable recipes. 3. I could just go through and see what the key ingredients are and do 1 big splurge to cover the majority of the recipes. 4. I could cook fantastic meals for my friends and family in the hopes of eventually turning them towards a healthier and cruelty free life style.

    Either way, Thank You for inviting me to join your blog page. I am looking forward to tons of information!!!


    1. Altair,
      Going vegan in LA seems like it would be so easy since there are so many options, but they can be pricy. I love hearing that you have explored your local farmer’s markets, as I think buying fresh and local is the way to go! It sounds like Betty Goes Vegan might just be the perfect match for you! I agree, we should all have a Betty Crocker cookbook and this veganized version is the way to go. Best of luck and stay tuned for more fun vegan info right here on my blog. Yeehaw!

  40. I am in a brand new relationship after a long marriage and divorce. I am 58 and he is 56. We want many years together and know that being healthy is the only way. We look forward to cooking together and hopefully will have 30-40 years to enjoy each other!

    1. I hope you two have 40+ years of happiness ahead of you! And a plant-based diet can surely help you do it! The Betty Goes Vegan cookbook sounds like just the book you need to stay healthy. Good luck!

  41. I have heard rave reviews from my vegan friends. I have gone gluten free and I try as much as possible to eat vegan as well. Sometimes I am just overwhelmed not knowing what to cook that can satisfy all three requirements of no meat, no gluten, no dairy… (carrots and hummus anyone?) I am looking forward to having vegan options where it would be easy to substitute gluten free flour if I need to.

    1. What you have heard is totally TRUE Kristina! Betty Goes Vegan is amazing! And though it’s not a gluten-free cookbook, you are right you can easily substitute g/f flour whenever needed. Best of luck and thanks for entering!

  42. I have been vegan for a few years now, and it is by far the best thing I have ever done. My mama lives with me, and is vegetarian, and I believe that if I had a book like this… I could probably easily get her on my side. I also have a ton of veg-curious friends and family members that I would LOVE to turn, and I think that with this book, I could host a dinner party that would knock their socks off. Here’s hoping!

    1. Here’s to knocking the socks off your friends at an upcoming (vegan) dinner party! Yeehaw and good luck Cicely!

  43. The book sounds great, and if Kayle put it together, I’m sure it’s the best recipes from the best vegan cooks.

    1. Thanks Christina! Just to clarify, I didn’t write or put the book together, as it’s written by Annie & Dan Shannon who I met this summer in NYC. It’s the Betty Crocker cookbook veganized filled with 500 traditional favorite recipes. Amazing!!! VegNews just voted Betty Goes Vegan as 2013’s “Best Cookbook” so that surely says something!

  44. Have a couple friends that love this book!!! I would LOVE to add back some once loved easier recipes into my cooking. Miss the classics!

    1. Jen,

      I hear ya! I wish I would have thought of the idea to veganize the classics! Betty Goes Vegan is truly an up and coming classic.

  45. I made the switch to vegan 5 weeks ago today. This the best Ive felt in over 20 years. I too have checked this book out of the libray along with others. I feel this is easiest and best vegan cookbook. Its hard to make copies and keep them handy to cook. Digital cook books are a hassle as well. Neither option are practicle.
    Thanks for the awesome contest.

    1. Congrats on your new move to a vegan diet Ed and so glad that you are feeling so great! That’s one of the many perks to being vegan! Best of luck in the giveaway; it sounds like Betty Goes Vegan would be a welcome addition to your house. Stay tuned for a winner on December 5th. Yeehaw!

  46. Been checking this out of my local library. Would like my own copy to share with my vegan meetup group and at our Vegan Society of PEACE monthly vegan potlucks, especially with new plant based eaters and veg-curious who want variety and easy prep to help them stay with plant based eating.

    1. A lot of folks have mentioned checking this cookbook out at their local library. I am SO glad that there are vegan cookbooks in our libraries! That’s just exciting in itself. I agree, this book sounds like it would definitely come in handy for you and your meetup groups. Thanks for your entry and good luck!

  47. My mother in law and I were just talking about this book! We are getting together monthly this winter to cook delicious vegan recipes for our husbands and we would love to try some from this book!!!! Thanks for the chance to win…fingers crossed 🙂

    1. Sounds like this would be the perfect book for you and your mother-in-law to share! What a fun idea. Best of luck and yeehaw!

  48. I love cookbooks that allow me to cook and teach my girls how to love plant living. They learn to read, measure, and love what the plant based kingdom has to offer.

    1. Dee, I love that you are cooking plant-based meals with your girls! What a way to set an example! Best of luck in the giveaway.

  49. I’ve been vegan for about 8 months and I absolutely LOVE spending time in my kitchen creating recipes. But lately I’ve been coming up a little blank. I could use some inspiration and I’ve heard great things about this cookbook. So I would love to have a copy to get some new ideas and experience the great recipes it has to offer and to keep it interesting in the kitchen!!!

    1. Congrats on your 8 months being vegan Carrie! This cookbook will provide more than inspiration with 500 recipes to chose from, including some of the classics! Thanks for your entry and good luck!

  50. I am OBSESSED with vegan cookbooks. I read them front to back; word for word. They have helped me become not only a MUCH BETTER cook, but have provided me with the knowledge to be a well-rounded, happy, non-pushy, non-judgmental vegan. I have heard such amazing things about this cookbook and I can’t wait to read it cover to cover!!! Go vegans go! 🙂

    1. Go vegans go is right Kristen! I love your enthusiasm. Yeehaw vegan sister! You will love the Betty Goes Vegan cookbook. All the reviews you’ve heard about are indeed true. Sending you good vibes for the giveaway. Thanks for entering and stay tuned to Cowgirls & Collard Greens for more giveaways, fun, recipes and overall vegan fun!

  51. I am a teenager and I just recently adopted a vegan lifestyle; unfortunately I had little support from my family initially. My mom has agreed to let me cook the family a vegan meal once a week and I’d love to start cooking from Betty goes Vegan and show them that Classic American food can be vegan and delicious!

    1. Anna, it’s so encouraging to hear that as a teenager you have adopted the vegan lifestyle. Way to be a role model for others! I hear ya with the family support (or lack there of), so many of us are in or have been in your shoes. It sounds like Betty Goes Vegan would be a perfect fit for you in easing in some vegan meals with your family. Thanks for entering and best of luck. Yeehaw!

  52. I need my omnivorous fam to start 1. Eating healthier! and 2. Acknowledging the fact that vegan food can be amazingly delicious and is a million times better than anything that contains animals bits.

    1. I agree with all that you have said Sara! Vegan food can be healthier, amazingly delicious because it doesn’t contain animal products. Wishing you luck with the giveaway. Stay tuned for the announcement on Thursday!

  53. Oh good GRAVY I want this cookbook so bad!
    I grew up cooking from my Mom’s tried-and-true classic red Betty Crocker cookbook and still cook that way (only vegan) now. I’ve been vegan for 10+ years now, raised my kids “mostly” vegan and now share amazing food and fun dinners with friends who could care less that I’m vegan, they just like good food!
    I have a super limited budget, so I don’t ever BUY cookbooks but rely on the internet, library and gifts from family.
    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this book to add to my little collection…

    1. Good gravy!?! I have never heard that saying before Tofu Mom, but I love it! So wonderful to hear that you’ve been vegan for over 10 years. Yeehaw! Betty Goes Vegan sounds like a great fit for your budget and your family, not to mention it will provide that modern-day vegan twist to all the old Betty Crocker classics you love and adore. Best of luck with the giveaway and thanks for entering!

  54. I want this book so I can make you lunch. 🙂 And dinner… WHAT Breakfast, too? okay.
    For reals though, I love getting my inner collard cowgirl in the kitchen. This book is just another amazing reason.

    1. Love me some YEEHAW too Rochelle! And if you are the lucky winner of this giveaway, I wouldn’t expect that you would make me brekkie, lunch or dinner! I do think that this cookbook would be a wonderful addition to your kitchen and that it will truly bring out even more of your inner the kitchen. Yeehaw!

  55. Due to chronic health issues I’ve been forced to look into my eating habits and make some huge changes cutting out many options and leading me to a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle. Is live the assistance of your cookbook to help me along the way!

    1. As a two-time cancer survivor I know the feeling of reevaluating your own health. Thanks to cancer I have been vegan for over 5 years now. Best of luck and thanks for entering the giveaway!

  56. Amazing! My all time favorite with a twist…can’t wait to taste the awesomeness of Betty – vegan style!

    1. This book truly is amazing Bernice! It’s awesome, chock full of 500 recipes and it’s perfect for vegans and non-vegans alike. Yeehaw and good luck lady!

  57. I’m always looking for new ideas especially when it comes to those prevegan comfort foods that I miss dearly. Also I am planning on opening the first vegan restaurant in my area. I am always on the lookout for anything too spark my own ideas for the restaurant.

    1. Yeehaw for your interest not only in this amazing cookbook, but for also your drive to open a vegan restaurant Julie! Way to set the example for others to follow suit. Best of luck with your venture and stay tuned later today for the announcement of the winner.

  58. Three words: vegan deviled eggs. Deviled eggs have been my one temptation since becoming vegan and I vanquished it! Hahaha… But seriously, vegan versions of comfort food? Pure awesomeness.

    1. I am WITH you Eva! I thought the very same thing when I learned there was a Deviled Egg recipe in Betty Goes Vegan! OMG! Good luck and thanks for entering. Stay tuned for the winner to be announced later today. Yeehaw!

  59. I am a cookbook whore, and I always love new ideas even though I don’y usually cook from recipes! I might gift the cookbook to my bf, who is new to the plant based world of eating.

    1. Thanks for your comments Becca! Unfortunately the giveaway ended this past Thursday & I’ve chosen a winner.

      Do stay tuned here for lots of fun info around all things vegan related. Yeehaw!

  60. I’d like to win a copy because I grew up in a family that used Betty Crocker cookbook recipes. I’ve been vegan for just over one year (vegetarian for 26 years before going vegan) and am trying to convince my guy to go vegan too. (He is almost vegetarian now.) I think this would be a way to cook more familiar and interesting foods.

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