The Friendly Vegan Cookbook by Michelle Cehn & Toni Okamoto & Garlicky-Ginger Tofu Triangles Recipe + GIVEAWAY

Howdy friends! I'm excited to share Michelle Cehn and Toni Okamoto's new e-cookbook, The Friendly Vegan Cookbook, + their recipe for Garlicky-Ginger Tofu Triangles with all of you. This dynamic duo are longtime...   READ MORE...

{Guest Post: Allison Ciorciog} Fruit, Veggies & Graphic T-Shirts: ALLISON Tees

After becoming vegan eight years ago, I noticed how many incredible veg-friendly clothing companies were in existence and in particular, T-Shirts. It seems like everywhere I go these days...   READ MORE...

Interview: Vegan, Filmmaker & Reuse Expert Alex Eaves

As I sit here at my local hippie restaurant sipping an almond milk steamer in a glass mug, I am reminded of the many ways we as humans don't...   READ MORE...

My Thought For Food Podcast Interview

Howdy friends! As October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, I thought it would be appropriate to share my recent podcast interview with Thought For Food. I was...   READ MORE...

{Guest Post: Kittee Berns} BKT (Bacon-Kale-Tomato) Happy Hour – Salad or Chip Form

Today is very exciting day in the world of Cowgirls & Collard Greens! Perhaps it's because my newish friend and vegan megastar, Kittee Berns is a guest on my...   READ MORE...

Interview: Vegan Breast Cancer Survivor Shauna Martin of Daily Greens + Green Juice GIVEAWAY

Hello and Happy October! <p> I've invited Shauna Martin, ten year cancer survivor, fellow vegan, Founder and CEO of the organic, raw and cold-pressed juice company, Daily Greens as my guest. With it...   READ MORE...

Interview with Thought for Food ~ September 29, 2016

Listen to my interview about breast cancer and eating plants with Thought for Food here.   READ MORE...

Guest Post: Vegan Parenting Tips with Children’s Book Author Beth Arnold

Howdy and happy (almost) fall! With autumn in the air and kids going back to school, it seemed like the perfect time to share information about raising vegan kids and...   READ MORE...

Interview: Vegan Professional Surfer & ISA Gold Medalist Tia Blanco

Today I welcome my third vegan athlete to Cowgirls & Collard Greens! I've featured a female body builder, an ultra-distance trail runner and now a surfer. I couldn't be more thrilled to...   READ MORE...

Guest Post: Chickpea Moowich Recipe by Robin Means of Vegan Dollhouse

Happy (almost) end of summer! My friend and fellow Northern California vegan, Robin Means of Vegan Dollhouse (and co-host of the podcast Dolls & Doughnuts of which I have been a guest) joins us today for...   READ MORE...